Miscellaneous Comics by Tall N Curly
I don't always write about curly hair and tall girls. Here you will find all my comics that have nothing to do with natural hair or tall people matters.
Whether it's because I miss the 80's, or have problems with technology, or am fighting against my introvert nature, I share it here.
When I find myself in situations that remind me that I'm socially unfit or weird, or find that it is society that makes us feel unfit or weird, or remember how school made me feel unfit or weird, I also share it here.
Every girl is born with a brain : the over sexualization of girls in the media
I found it really interesting and funny to read some of the comments people made about my last comic 30 years of little girls learning dance moves from music videos around the web, especially on Tumblr, which is known to be a social network used by young or very young people. First, there were people […]
Why you should sometimes mind your own business
Quote of the day : “Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.”
Love is love
Happy Mother’s Day
Spread your fins and fly
My Hair Story : Tribute to the hair I once lost
Today, I would like to talk to the curly little girls’ mothers out there. Especially the straight haired mothers who, for some mysterious genetic reason or less mysterious mixed love story, ended up with a little broccoli like me. Mothers who just can’t figure out how to take care of the jungle that’s growing on their daughters’ heads, mothers who sometimes feel like Indiana Jones trying to make their way through that jungle armed with a terrifying big brush, mothers who, from time to time, are thinking of taking out their SWORD to BRING THE JUNGLE DOWN.
Happy International Women’s Day!
Updating my “About” section
Hello Tallies and Curlies 🙂 I’m taking the time to write this post because I’ve received a few messages asking me if I keep my hair natural or not, if I have relaxed my hair before, and if I’m against relaxing. I also got a comment on my Pinterest profile that made me realize some […]
A different holiday season
So. I know this blog is the not the emotional kind of blog. Here, I don’t write about love, or fears, or love, of fears, or love, or fears, or endless existential questions. I know. Still, I wanted to post this. Just because this Christmas, one of the most important beings in my life passed […]
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