How to Diet Like a Boss
The contouring experiment #2
Remember my first contouring experiment? Well I decided to give it another shot. #stillnope
How to be Beautiful : Flowers and birds
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’m generally pretty straightforward. I post my comic and that’s about it. But because it’s been like… 4 months since I posted anything new, I thought I would reintroduce myself, you know, in case you had forgotten about me. 😉 So let me sum up my past year in […]
Curly N Curvy: an awesome beach body
TNC fam, meet my girl Zadry! Another living proof that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes! That gorgeous woman is filled with sunshine so if you want your daily dose, go subscribe to her life and style blog Curves à la mode! Meanwhile, here’s a little ray of light to brighten your day 😉 Hey beautiful people! My […]
Fashion Police / Zendaya
Mad respect to Zendaya, this 18yo with a face, a brain and AWESOME HAIR.
Can you really trust your skin care products?
Today, an article by my awesome contributor Naïby Jacques!
“So let me guess.
Every time you need to take care of your skin, you go the beauty section or the beauty shop. You look at all those skin care products that supposedly do something special for your skin. Each and every one of them. There’s an array of them. And you end up buying the ones that are aimed to solve your skin care problem.
Of course, you have to do what’s needed to get rid of your crocodile skin, to eradicate your crater-like pimples, or to erase your dreadful signs of aging. So you probably try or already tried all those products that are touted to you by the cosmetic industry to get the results that you want.
Because you need to put an end to your misery of not having the perfect skin, you need to feel beautiful at once.
But I have a to get this off my chest:
You should stop putting these products on your face.
Here’s why:”
How to easily remove Benefit’s They’re real mascara – or any other kind of makeup
Talking about makeup with a friend yesterday, I told her how I love Benefit’s They’re real mascara. She said: “It’s amazing but I can’t wear it, it’s impossible to remove and I’m not spending money on their mascara remover.” Mascara remover…?
I didn’t get why that mascara wouldn’t come off. Never got any kind of issues with it.
10 best fruits and vegetables for happy, growing and healthy hair
You’re looking for the magic formula.
The formula that will erase your deadly worry. The nagging thought that your hair is not quite healthy.
The right nutrients have the power to prevent breakage, to diminish hair loss, to stimulate hair growth.
But you should get them in the form of food. The question is: what exactly should you eat?
Let’s take a look at a list of the best foods you should be eating regularly to help you have beautiful hair.