Miscellaneous Comics by Tall N Curly
I don't always write about curly hair and tall girls. Here you will find all my comics that have nothing to do with natural hair or tall people matters.
Whether it's because I miss the 80's, or have problems with technology, or am fighting against my introvert nature, I share it here.
When I find myself in situations that remind me that I'm socially unfit or weird, or find that it is society that makes us feel unfit or weird, or remember how school made me feel unfit or weird, I also share it here.
My iTunes Library is Sacred
Best Remedy to Feel Better
A Siri Story
Half Black Don’t Crack
When you think you age slower than everybody else but you don’t.
Morning person
That other time of the month
It takes all sorts
Yes, someone just pissed me off.
How to be Beautiful : Flowers and birds
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’m generally pretty straightforward. I post my comic and that’s about it. But because it’s been like… 4 months since I posted anything new, I thought I would reintroduce myself, you know, in case you had forgotten about me. 😉 So let me sum up my past year in […]
I’m Not Having Such a Good Time in School Chapter 2
For those who missed the first part and the reason why I’m doing this, you can click here and come back afterwards 😉 So here’s the third comic which, needless to say, also applies to adults of ALL AGES. Although it may sound easy to say, nothing is more true than this. There are two […]