One lesson I’ve had to grasp over these past three years, to navigate the challenges life threw my way and to mirror the inner peace I was starting to feel on the outside, is the art of letting go—of things, of people, of the past.

If you had to create an ‘action figure’ based on a type of toxic person you’ve had to let go of, what would it be? What would be its ‘special features’ and what made you finally decide to let them go – or to kick them out of your life, your choice 😅
Update: A comment on Instagram sparked a realization about the importance of owning up to the truth that sometimes, we see parts of ourselves in the very behaviors that annoy us the most. No one’s flawless, myself included, and I admit I’ve shown some (thankfully not all) of the traits I criticize. I’m still on this journey, trying to improve and evolve into the best version of myself. Part of this process meant I had to step back from specific individuals whose toxic patterns weren’t just occasional but a constant presence. These people drive you a bit mad, and even though deep down you care for them, you find yourself with no choice but to walk away. Otherwise, you risk never reaching that place you’re hoping and enthusiastically striving to reach. 🙃
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