Tall people problems: when your compassion gauge reads empty.

And just because I discovered her a couple of days ago and spent an hour laughing, allow me to share some of my favorite Jennah Brittany‘s videos XD Make sure to follow her instagram account @missjaydmv, she’s HILARIOUS!
I’m 13 and 5’8 and all my friends are literally midgets. I love being tall one day I just stopped being insecure and now I’m doing modeling, this one short girl told me that most guys like short girls, but I don’t care. I love being a young confident tall goddess why would I want to be short just because everyone else is.
I am confident short guy.i think man must be shorter than woman! Why? Because! I love tall girls :)) what else ?! Remember,Short and confident guy,better than confident and tall guy..because tall can be confident only with his height..but when short guy is confident! He is smart,funny,and strong! Remember this! Love short guys because we are Loving you so much..yoy dont believe even i can date to a girl higher 20 cm. Yess i love when her boops with same heigh with my eye 🙂 🙂 And Sorry for bad english.
Oh my gosh! I think we are twins! We have so much in common! Here’s to us! Laura
i’m 13 and i’m already 5’6 and still growing and my foot is almost the same size as my dads foot he wears an 11 in mens
Quit worrying kid, when I was your age I had had 2 years already to get somewhat used to my final height (6ft2). You are beautiful no matter how tall you’ll end up being, and don’t listen to anybody telling you the contrary. They are just jealous. Especially if you remember to stand tall as if you constantly had a book balanced on your head (or as if you were a ballet dancer). It will soon become natural to you and people will marvel at your poise (and be envious of it, of course).
When I was 15 I had a long road trip in a car with a bench seat, a 5’3″ driver and the back seat filled with junk. A really bad combination when you’re 6’3 and don’t drive yet.