Men and women from all over the world : you’ve been through this before, haven’t you?
Your husband/boyfriend or wife/girlfriend kindly asks you to go pick something from the store for them. Something you have absolutely no clue what it is because as everybody knows now, men are from mars and women are from venus. And it seems like they’re used to shop on different planets, too.
But you love your soulmate so you go to the store and, well… you do your best.

Perks of lesbianism (and, well, male homosexuality too I assume). Things like that are rarely ever a problem 😛
Haha, get your own back. Love it!
Hihihi!! So True!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LMAOOO. OMG! This gave me LIFE! Thank GOODNESS My King doesn’t shave….and Well…I buy my OWN pads. LMAO. XOXOXOX
Hahahaha! Perfection.
HAHA, so true!!!
hahahahahaha the struggle is too real! Totally made my day!
OMG!!!!!!! I died so hard at this!!!!! xD I don’t know that I’ve ever seen that wide a variety of razors but the extra wide assortment of woman’s pads is NO exaggeration!!!!! xD And some of those names are hysterical; “anti smell maxi flow ultra thin super pads” (oh my gosh!!), “tiny useless pads for girls” (I believe they call them pantiliners! LOL!!) and “combo back for bipolar periods” – too much!!!! That’s where I really lost it!!!
This has certainly lifted my spirits – thank you for the laugh! 😀
Oops, that should’ve said combo pack….. 🙂
The struggle, damn. We humans are something special.