Yup, back in the days a Tall Women Clothing store meant wide loose silky shirts – you could find shoulder padded ones if you were being really luck – crazy patterned long pleated skirts with psychotic associations of colors and ugly shoes. Long live the 21st century.
There’s still room for improvement – especially in SHOES – but at least we tallies don’t have to dress like twice our age and twice our weight and twice our bad taste anymore, which is an appreciable increase after all.
A few tall women clothing stores around the web :
Although selling their products as “perfectly proportioned for those who are 5’9″/1.75m and over”, which is far from ideal to me – speak directly to my almost 6′ or I don’t really feel concerned – ASOS Tall collection has some pretty nice clothes. Then of course there’s Alloy (link on the left) which I like A LOT, with all their jeans and pants and extra long maxi skirts, they really have everything you need. Also I recently found that Victoria’s Secret have several pants with 34″ and 36″ inseams. Good news, isn’t it?
I so wish they were around when I was 14.
Im 14 and Im about 5’7 and 1/2 or 5’8! I dont like that I’m getting there honestly. I have friends who are 15 and who are 5’10 but it doesn’t make anything better!! My doctor says that Im done growing and that I might grow a couple more inches but thats about it. I still wanna be short tho!
omg love this!
Hope you do more posts on clothing for tall girls! I’m 5 11 and I have a big butt so it makes it harder for me to find the right pants and tights. But what I’ve realized tho is that thigh highs work better than pantyhose because they don’t go all the way up the waist. I’ve bought from a few brands like M&S, longtallsally, and VienneMilano….The VienneMilano ones do stay up really good due to the silicon strips, even for my long legs…not sure if anyone else has tried it. But thank you for the post and def hope you write more on tall girls fashion.
I’m 5’4 and 13 and I have 3A curly hair the only thing that drives me crazy is the frizz!
It’s so great to meet people who know what it’s like to be so tall! I so have this problem when buying clothes, I mean I want to wear what everyone my age is wearing but that is exceedingly hard when one is 5’11 and 11 years old.
I love your site! Just found it today while looking for a social site for tall women. I can obviously relate is the reason. I’m 6ft tall and have a head full of curly hair. I just started a fashion Instagram and am working on getting a blog up for us tall folks to find shoes and clothes and hair stuff for curly hair too! Good luck in all you do! I will be back supporting!
I’m so excited I found this site!!! I’m 6’2″ with great big curly hair and to find someone who understands is amazing! These are great! Growing up I always striggles finding pants long enough and long sleeve shirts that didn’t look like 3/4 sleeve shirts! Most of my friends are these tiny things and when they compaire trying to find short pants to tall pants I want to rip my hair out! You can always hem clothes that are to long, there isn’t anything you can do for clothes that are to short!!
In my expirence, Silver Jeans and BKE jeans fit me the best because they come with 37″ inseams. Victoria’s Secret and Under Armour also seem to fit me well in the arms and waist. It’s no fun having to go up a shirt size (or 2) to get the arm length you need!
i got you even tough i dont really like black but people always do that to me by the way you think i will grow taller because it seems pretty cool to be tall as you
My pants were always above my ankles. At the time, my mom didn’t know that some places sold jeans for taller girls. This was also the time period where I chose to wear those outrageous patterned socks with all my pants. I owned one pair with actual vegetables printed on them. Everyone is looking at you when you have eggplants on your ankles.
There was also that time in gym class where the basketball bounced off the toe of my size 11 sneaker and rolled away. Everyone laughed as I chased the ball across the gym. -_-