Yup, back in the days a Tall Women Clothing store meant wide loose silky shirts – you could find shoulder padded ones if you were being really luck – crazy patterned long pleated skirts with psychotic associations of colors and ugly shoes. Long live the 21st century.
There’s still room for improvement – especially in SHOES – but at least we tallies don’t have to dress like twice our age and twice our weight and twice our bad taste anymore, which is an appreciable increase after all. 😉
A few tall women clothing stores around the web :
Although selling their products as “perfectly proportioned for those who are 5’9″/1.75m and over”, which is far from ideal to me – speak directly to my almost 6′ or I don’t really feel concerned – ASOS Tall collection  has some pretty nice clothes. Then of course there’s Alloy (link on the left) which I like A LOT, with all their jeans and pants and extra long maxi skirts, they really have everything you need. Also I recently found that Victoria’s Secret have several pants with 34″ and 36″ inseams. Good news, isn’t it?
I so wish they were around when I was 14.
Tallwomen.org has tons of sites for U.S and Europe for clothes and shoes for talls. It isn’t a fancy site but has great information. Tallswag.com had good information too. It is a blog but she models the clothes.
Ah, the memories. I remember being 14 and extra skinny, and buying size 14 or 16 jeans that would be at least cover my legs to my ankles. Such bliss having to wear extra baggy clothes when I wanted to look cute. At least I didn’t have shoe size problems. Now if only they can make bras my size that don’t look matronly….
Well here’s a continuing nightmare. Tall clothing sites that assume all tall women are walking sticks. Sizes no larger than 14 or 16. Seriously?!!
My name is Lydia and I am tall lol!
I was gonna suggest longtallsally.com looks like someone beat me to it:)
My list of tall girl friendly stores. Hopefully you find something you love!
I feel ya, growing up I was considered an Amazon in my family, but I’m only 5′ 7″. LoL I guess it was because I was taller than my mom and some of my aunts. But my grandmother always got me these pastel pink colored sweaters, uuuuggghhhh. To this day I still have a deep dislike for pastel colors. But my biggest issue I have is cute shoes, it’s hard finding cute shoes when you have long skinny feet. Ok that’s the end of my little rant. LOL
Oh boy, I have the same thing you got for pastel colors but for lace…! My aunt loooooved to buy me clothes with lace, like a pink satin nightgown with a lace collar you know ? That kind of things. XD
Your Auntie Lydia is sooooo my mother! I’m 27 and grew up about two hours from Calgary where the dreaded Tall Girl’s Shop lurked. Their clothes were for 5’9 to 6’0 middle aged women. The styles were dated even for that group maybe ‘matronly’ is the right word. They were well made and expensive, so she expected for them to last several years. Nothing line being super thin, 6’3, and super shy with those clothes. When I went shopping with the other girls I would look at bags and scarves while they were trying things on that fit. I got really good at knowing what looked good on a 5’4 teen and had no idea what should work for me. I did have some tall men’s jeans that my aunt tailored that were even more embarrassing, but that us another story.
I wish I could sew well and knew pattern making, but today is soooo much better, except for the shoes. But thank you for making me remember how bad it was. Progress is sweet!!
I hope in ten years girls who are teens now will talk about shoes in the same way:)
I laughed so hard reading your message and I still am and I’m not even sure why !! 😀 Awwwww poor girl….. tall men’s jeans tailored by your aunt….??!! I don’t know why but I’m literally LAUGHING OUT LOUD trying to picture this…. feels like I’ve been through the same kind of feelings through all my teenage years uuuuuughhhhhhh !! Oh and
That is SO TRUE !!!
Jheri. I feel you.
On the cheaper side, Old Navy has a tall section, which fits pretty well on my 6’0 frame.
True ! I like it too !
Oh my god, your aunt Lydia could be my titi (aunt) Alba. I just knew as I was scrolling I’d see something like that outfit. Ohhhh, the flashbacks. Its like they thought the only tall women were old librarians or something. And oh, how I hated the shoulder pads. My aunt used to change my clothes as soon as my parents dropped us off. I never understood where she expected me to wear that stuff at. P.S. My hair got ‘fixed’ as well because obviously my mother didn’t know how to properly tame the beast.
shoulder pads were my nightmare. I already have wide shoulders, I felt like a football player with these things, thank GOD they’re gone… 🙂
Try longtallsally.com. It’s a British store that makes really great stuff for tall women. Also, longelegentlegs.com
I don’t know longelegantlegs.com, will check it out ! But I do know Long Tall Sally, I even made a comic for them 😉