Please sit down, make yourselves comfortable. Have a cup a tea, a lil’ mojito maybe?
So! As some of you may know, I started in november 2012. (I feel so historical right now)
In over a year and a half, I’ve been having lots of fun drawing and sharing tall girls and curly girls issues, as well as some random thoughts.
Reliving some of my biggest traumas over again and again while drawing these little comics have been a psychotherapy on its own.
But what I’ve also liked – besides finally finding the right thing to say to someone who had bugged me weeks before and sharing my amazingly witty line with thousands of random strangers instead of throwing it in the right face – has been to get in touch with all these great and amazing ladies and girls from all around the world – and with around maybe one and a half men.
I’m still amazed and I thank you all for reading me, writing me and inspiring me. 🙂
Be reassured, I’m definitely not done with comics about tallness and curliness. Still looots of annoying questions, cheesy pick up lines and indelicate people ahead – along with some more inspirational stuff too! Let’s try not to commit suicide by strangling ourselves to death with our curls or by jumping from the top of our long legs here, come on ladies.
By the way, here’s a glimpse of my next comic… 😉
So I know most of you know me in the form of a little cartoon character but believe it or not I live outside of my computer too, yaaaaay 🙂
That’s why I would like to use as a space where I can share pretty much anything I feel like sharing, and have you share some things with me and with the other readers too. A sweet, smart, polite, inspired and thoughtful little space. With comics. 😉
The site is still under construction and I will continue building it slowly, adding new categories one at a time. This is not a big machine remember, just a wish that will come to life little by little. Not tall by tall. (ah.haha.)
Instead of listing all the things I will post about in the future, I’d rather have you discover them one by one, each time I will actually post an article under a new category.
I will still introduce two of these categories right now, as they will appear soon.
The reason why I decided to include a music section to my blog is very simple : music is – right after saving animals – one of my main reasons for living.
I might write about some new releases from time to time and about big past and present hits, but here you’re most likely going to hear about music that is not played on mainstream media, whether it’s some less famous songs by very famous singers, one hit wonders that I believe should still be around today, music from all around the world and present talented artists that don’t get as much exposure as I believe they should.
As for everything in life, I just love to share and discover new things, so please don’t hesitate to send me suggestions by sharing your own gems with me and the other readers under each post. I really don’t know any better way to discover great music today than by sharing the music we love with each other. 🙂
Health & Beauty
These two categories are connected as I don’t believe there can be true beauty where there’s no health, and where there’s health, there is always beauty. 😉
I’ll also have an amazing sidekick who will write about these subjects from time to time. Can’t wait for you to meet her!
Meanwhile, you can read my post Beautiful Health to understand my approach to beauty and health.
So this is it ! I’m very happy to be back and I hope you will enjoy this new version of the site as much as I already do! 😀
Take care everyone! Smoooooch!
I am new but look forward to all the new changes! Congrats on moving your goals forward
I discovered your blog just before the changes and I must say I’ve become addicted. I’m also tall and fight with the hair straighteners due to my slighly wavy hair.
xx Paty (from Barcelona, Spain)