Let’s do the same with the Curlies ! (Tallies version here)
Curlies ! Be turned into a cartoon ! Tell me the funniest / weirdest / meanest comments and questions you’ve ever heard about your hair ! Answer here or on my Facebook page !
If there’s a profile pic of you anywhere or if you’re willing to send me a picture later, you could be turned into a cartoon character that will tell your story ! Post as many as you want !
Tall AND curly ladies like me : YOUR STORIES ARE AWAITED TOO !!! 😀
ATTENTION : By sending your story, you understand and I accept that I will use it and probably modify it to turn it into a cartoon, that I will share it on my blog, all my social media accounts and anywhere else I might need to, and that I will own the copyright of the comic.
I was at this farming convention with my mom and grandma and I had my hair in Senegalese Twist. I was standing near a booth when i realized that this white lady was staring at me, she then proceeded to walk up to me and tell me how much she loved my Twirlys!!! lmao At that moment I died inside cue sweat drop on side of face like “TWIRLYS???” Crying emojis running all thru my head like THERE CALLED SENEGALESE TWIST! lol But she seemed so excited about my hair I didn’t have the heart to correct her lols All day while I was there I got a lot of looks because I’m assuming they hadn’t really seen anyone with Senegalese Twist before. My mom and grandma and I had a really good laugh about it later on though lol
It would be funny to see a curly walking her way through the mall minding her own business when she is attacked by those sales people at kiosks with the hair straighteners. I am like gold mine for them. “Oh look! Fresh meat! She has curly hair! She must want her hair straightened!” Noooo, go away! :).
Definitely happens!
I went to a salon with my curly 2c/3a hair. The lady shampooed, conditioned and cut my hair into layers. Upon drying it, she couldn’t figure out how I got my hair so curly. (At this point, I had walked into the salon with curlier hair than I was getting from her). I told her I use a diffuser… She finds one and proceeds to grind the diffuser nubs into my scalp with a circular motion. No, no, I say …and I explain cupping my the hair with the diffuser and blowing it in an upward motion. You do it, she says. So there I stood (at my tall 5′ 10″ ness) in the middle of the salon blow drying my hair while all the straight haired ladies looked at me from their chairs. … And she still wanted to charge me full-price!
My (sad) story
I watched a tutorial on Youtube about how to get defined curls, so I thought “I’ll give it a try”. I did, and my curls were looking gorgeous that day, or so I thought. So I put on my black dress and red lipstick, and I was thinking “I look great today”. Until I saw my gandma. She stopped, looking so stange at me and said “Hey, have you combed your hair today?” Yeah, my self-esteem went all the way down. Thanks grandma.
Okay so being a curly-haired girl is quite hard(as all of us curly girls know). I recently straightened my hair and people were gushing up about it and some even said that they missed my curly hair (for once!). That’s just a background of my life. Anyways, so here’s a really embarrasing/funny short story about my curly hair:
I was having a good hair day since my hair usually ends up looking like a bird’s nest after noon, and this guy in my class decided that it was a good idea to comment on how “soft” my hair looked. So I just nodded and kept minding my own business. I turned around, and I feel a pull on my hair and it wouldn’t go away. When I turned around the guy seemed to be really embarrassed, since apperently he tried to run his hands through my curly hair and it had gotten stuck. LIKE WHY MEEEE
As a curly redhead, I can identify with quite a few of the stories here! I have recommended this site to several tall/curly students of mine and we love it!
My good curls story: I was visiting my sister and brother-in-law when they saw “Brave” for the first time. A few months later, I’m curled up on the couch holding their two-day old baby girl, when bro-in-law walks by, does a double-take, and orders me not to move. He runs out of the room, returns with his phone, and starts snapping pictures, saying, “I have to record Allie meeting her first Disney princess!”
My bad curls story: It was the morning of my brother’s wedding and I was hoping for a good hair day. But, as usual, humidity had other plans. As I jostled the bridesmaids for space in front of the dressing room’s mirror, desperately trying to eliminate the frizzies, Grandma entered. She started poking and petting and stroking my hair saying how gorgeous it was and how nice it looked with all that volume… Aargh! Anyway, look for the girl wearing a scarf in all the wedding pictures. That’s me.
Hi there,
Double checking to see if my lil story somehow got cut. I return like a junkie to crack but don’t see (perhaps somehow missed) it. I only ask because I was contacted by you about it (felt all giddy inside) and responded.
First of all, I LOVE your blog. Discovered it recently and haven’t been able to tear myself away from it.
I have quite a few but I’ll share the one that left me astounded. This occurred between a colleague and I when I came in to work rocking a twist-out:
NOTE: I tend not to get offended when people comment on my hair because I know it’s ignorance; so I seek to educate rather than bitch-slap 🙂
COLLEAGUE: This hair again
ME: Yes, this hair again. This is the way God intended it to grow out of our scalp so embrace it
COLLEAGUE: But it looks rough. Can’t you comb it at least? In fact, I will be honest with you, it makes you look unkempt.
ME: Wow. But if I walked in here with a Brazilian weave down to my ass, you would think I looked attractive.
At that point my mouth dropped. That line usually elicited a tinge of guilt from people but he was unapologetically firm in his belief that straight hair that belonged to someone else made me look beautiful, whereas my own hair didn’t.
Hi Maureen! Thank you so much! 😀
My mouth dropped just right now reading your story. It’s still dropping actually… I will have to find a way to turn this into a comic. I mean. A FUNNY one. 🙂
Geez… Will be sending you an email soon about it! Please check your spam folder, sometimes that’s where my emails end up in 😉
Haha! I love this site. My first time here and I’m loving everything.
My story.
There’s a commercial, way back, for a hair conditioner about having disastrous hair after commuting just because the girl didn’t use a conditioner. It was viral (even without social media then) with the tag line “Mahangin ba sa labas?!” (Is it windy outside?)
So 1 day, I went to school, I wasn’t able to tie up my hair. Went in our classroom and snap! “Is it windy outside?” was all I can remember being asked and they all laughed! I just took it as a joke (a really annoying joke) and answered “Yeah, why ask? Thought you knew ;)” Of course, I was hurt. I just didn’t show it.
Hi M Katy 🙂 I had to look over the internet to know what langage was this, you’re in the Philippines ? 🙂
Thank you very much for your message and welcome!
See how clichés are? I thought everybody in the Philippines would have straight silky hair. That shows how much I know. 🙂
Hey nappy head when u gonna perm that sh*t. Or hear comes mop head. But it’s ok those boys who thought I was ugly in seventh grade be trying to hit me up now. Lol sucks for them