Let’s do the same with the Curlies ! (Tallies version here)
Curlies ! Be turned into a cartoon ! Tell me the funniest / weirdest / meanest comments and questions you’ve ever heard about your hair ! Answer here or on my Facebook page !
If there’s a profile pic of you anywhere or if you’re willing to send me a picture later, you could be turned into a cartoon character that will tell your story ! Post as many as you want !
Tall AND curly ladies like me : YOUR STORIES ARE AWAITED TOO !!! 😀
ATTENTION : By sending your story, you understand and I accept that I will use it and probably modify it to turn it into a cartoon, that I will share it on my blog, all my social media accounts and anywhere else I might need to, and that I will own the copyright of the comic.
I have been natural for about 2 years, and during that time, I got two bad haircuts. The first was by a barber who would not stop flirting with me. Not only did this dude cut about half of my hair off but he also gave me A LINE! After that I put my hair in braids to cover it up because I looked to similar to my dad. The only difference to me was that I was shorter with boobs! Nightmare!
My second haircut (about a year later) was not as dramatic, but it rubbed me the wrong was. I went to a salon. She kept talking about how she had a natural hair client, but the only styles she talked about were styles with extensions. Now my aunt, whom I was visiting, convinced me to go there. Here is what she did to my hair: washed it, cut it, moisturized it, braided a headband in the front and sat me under the dryer for the moisturizer to set in my hair. This was not the problem, although for $40, she should’ve done more. But this lady HAD THE NERVE to tell me to put a TEXTURIZER in my hair because no one knows how long it is. “Just put it in for about 5 minutes comb it through, then rinse it out.” I just looked at her and left. I was annoyed by her insult, ugh! One of the worst hair experiences that I’ve ever had.
“No, you cannot…” “Why not?” “Because I don’t want you to, and I don’t know where your hands have been…” Yes, it happened. Some lady in the grocery store asked if she could touch my hair, as she was coming at me with her hands. Umm, I don’t think so. I love have naturally coily hair, but I do get a lot of unwanted stares, whispers, curiosity, and sometimes unwelcomed grabs, tugs, and pulls. Why would a stranger want to touch anything on me? Is my necklace, clothes, are booty next? It’s weird!!
Oh my… I gotta use this in a comic Christina 🙂
I have very unique hair for a mixed girl (its like your cartoon but the color’s different). So everyday i get a handful of different comments on my hair from kids at my school
*caucasion girls come running up* “OMG Jada I loooove your hair, is in natural? is it hard to straighten? Do you ever straighten it? I think u should, it would look better. omg it smells soo good, what kind of products do u use? Is it a lot of work? I wish my hair was like yours.”
And Im all like “Righttttt”
Dont get me wrong, im flattered from (most) of these comments but da freak, y u gota jump on me like that? and this is like EVERY morning.
So to get them to back off im like “Okay, okay, thank you but like ppl i kinda sorta need to put my stuff in my locker so can u please back off!
and so the only people i dont get comments on my hair is the so called “popular girls”
they see someone next to me and say “oh (name) i like your hair” then look at me and walk off.
While i was working as a waitress in a restaurant, my frizzy hair got stuck in the local coat rack…
I usually have my hair in protective hairstyles during the week at work. I decided to let my hair out that Friday and I got the best conversation about my older caucasian coworker:
-Is that all your hair?
– Where does it all go when it’s not like that?
(Laughing hysterically)
– How did you get it like that?
“I woke up”
After Christmas break I decided to start wearing my hair down and curly instead of in braids. When I went to school I told my friends not to touch it because it would get frizzy… Apparently, they couldn’t understand the words COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH!
My friend Bunny, who has super thin, spaghetti straight hair, doesn’t know s**t about any other hair textures. She wouldn’t, stop touching it. She tried touching the very tips of my hair and I told her to stop. She responded by saying “Did u feel that?”. I had to have a whole speech about how hair grows out of the SCALP and that I obviously feel her big hands ruining my curls.
From then on I only wore my hair in 4 cornrows of with a TON of gel.
That moment I decided to take selfies with friends but they did not appear accidentally…
I went to the dollar store near my house. I was looking for candies and there was two guys there. They were handsome by the way.
One of them looked at me and said to his friend “what do you think of her?”.
His friend replied : Too natural for me.
It made me laugh so hard. It’s true that I don’t where a lot of make-up. That day I was wearing a scarf (I can send you a picture; I love that style) because the weather was cold and my hair needed to be protected.
By the way : I love your blog ♡
Too natural for me ?
Well that’s something you don’t hear everyday !! lol
Well, you’re just too douche for me dude 😉
I was on vacation with a friend and during a sightseeing tour, of course we were both taking pictures like crazy. At one point, I left my friend behind me and started trying angles to take the perfect photograph of a majestic landscape. Suddenly I feel my curlz being pulled really hard. I couldn´t help to scream “OUCH!” and turn around to see what happened: it was my friend! I asked….”why?” and she said “because I am trying to get some pictures too, but your hair is blocking all view!” :S
So Prom is getting closer and so are many events in the school. Every girl is thinking on what hairstyle to do. I myself have been doing the same thing. I go on pinterest or instagram to check out ideas for curly hairstyles (because I know that if I straighten my hair, its going to get poofy by the end of the first dance). I wanted to leave it out and curly nd do an 80’s inspired hairstyle. My friend Karen said it looked nice. Two days later, in class she mentioned that I shouldn’t leave it out. I then went home and attempted doing a fancy braided updo … I looked almost bald because my hair obviously doesn’t show its length when curly. NOW im planning to make fake curls and attempt a hairstyle. I bet you that when I come back from Prom on the 8th, that my hair will be curly and ill wake up like one of your strips…Like a weird weird dream. But then you can add that I then went to your blog (which I will) and that I laughed a bit because Im not the only one out there that struggles with this bittersweet blessing…