Let’s do the same with the Curlies ! (Tallies version here)
Curlies ! Be turned into a cartoon ! Tell me the funniest / weirdest / meanest comments and questions you’ve ever heard about your hair ! Answer here or on my Facebook page !
If there’s a profile pic of you anywhere or if you’re willing to send me a picture later, you could be turned into a cartoon character that will tell your story ! Post as many as you want !
Tall AND curly ladies like me : YOUR STORIES ARE AWAITED TOO !!! 😀
ATTENTION : By sending your story, you understand and I accept that I will use it and probably modify it to turn it into a cartoon, that I will share it on my blog, all my social media accounts and anywhere else I might need to, and that I will own the copyright of the comic.
I’ve never really had much of a problem with people touching my hair, cause I understand, its curly and big. But one lady changed the way I feel about my hair being touched forever.
So I was in an after school meeting and our meeting was in the teachers lounge. So a teacher walks in and quickly paces towards me. No one really notices until she’s yelling “OH MY GOSH your hair is so pretty! I just wanna cut it off and take it home!” At this point everyone has their mouths open. And if that wasnt bad enough, this teacher, whom Ive never talked to before, never had her class, starts rubbing her fingers in my scalp. Yes, her fingers were so deep in my hair that i could feel her rubbing my scalp. Longest. Minute. Ever.
The whole room was speechless when she left, and I haven’t been able to allow people to touch my hair without some type of annoyed expression on my face since then.
OMG.. how odd…!! I think I would have licked her face or something as weird as having her fingers on my scalp so she snaps out of it 🙂
She may have actually been “rooting” you…
My boyfriend and I are both curlies. We perform together, and after the show, the producer told me that her friend said this:
Friend: That blonde guy is hot!
Producer: Yeah. He’s dating the curly haired girl.
true story 😉
Lol, this reminds me of me and my boyfriend! …and YES, our drain suffers!!!
What I find the most annoying is that we are both multi-racial Jamaicans and people are always shocked, like “Wow you are guys are like “super mixed!” I get the most because I’m dark, as if its a crime or impossible to be multi-racial and dark! This makes me and him wanna shout “Hey there is a reason our national motto is ‘Out of many, one people’; Its because we’re a nation of mixed races!”
We have many funny situations. Like the other day a coworker said to me (we both work at the same place, the bf and I) “Wow, I bet you guys are dating because you wanna make sure your babies get extra gorgeous curly hair! You guys should hurry up, get married and have BABIES!!!” I was like “WHAT O_O ?!”
Another funny scenario was at the grocery store just threedays ago:
We were both strolling the aisles all lovey dovey hands in hands with my head on his shoulder; dsuddenly he reached down to grab something from a shelf …and BAM a sudden pain strikes us both! Our hairs had somehow became entagled! His hair is 3b mid-back length, mine is 3c a little below shoulder length (recentlly did the big chop).
I do love having as a curly bf …. I’m sorry for our kids if we ever have any though. Then our drain will reeeeaaaallly suffer haha!
OOOoooooooh I almost forgot! (how could I, I don’t know), but I HATE it when people refuse to believe my mom is my biological mom because she looks “too Caucasian/Asian” to be my mom. And it gets worst, they always ask, how come you have your dad’s complexion, but not his straight nose? He’s Black/Indian & 1/8 Scottish. I’m always like I don’t know, ask GOD.
I’m a curly. Both of my parents were curlies who didnt care too much about grooming or personal appearance. To get ready for school, I brushed my (dry) hair into a long, low ponytail without any product, and kept the same style every single day from grade 3 – 9. When I got to high school, I begged my parents to let me cut my hair into a bob. I had no grand plans, I just wanted a change. I got my bob, brushed my hair into a short, low ponytail without product, and swanned into school thinking I might actually be pretty today. One of the popular girls noticed my haircut and asked me to take my hair down. I shook my head no because I didn’t want everyone seeing the cone shape my hair gets once it’s been pulled back and then released. She said “you might get some dates if you wore your hair down more. Don’t you want to go to at least one dance this year?” I said “I don’t want a boyfriend and I don’t like dances.” She shook her head because she saw right through me, she marched over to me, and she pulled my hair tie out. People stared. Some people laughed. My hair was cone-tastic. The popular girl gave me my hair tie back and said “I didn’t know it was like that, honest.”
I didn’t get any dates. I didn’t get asked to any of the dances. If I had gone to prom, I’m pretty sure I’d have worn a light blue dress, with my hair pulled back in a low ponytail.
I read this blog really late but having curly hair and being tall. Also being multiracial. The stories seem endless!
One story is in my freshman year in high school during physical education class:
Girl: You’re hair is super curly!
Me: Yeah? It is…
Girl: It must be super hard to take care of!
Me: Yeah, it’s really thick.
Girl: Oh! So that’s why you never comb it huh?
Me: *rolling eyes* Excuse me?
Girl: Well you never comb your hair right?
Me: I do comb my hair! Do you!?
Girl: Sorry I didn’t know!
Me: -___-
A time in Middle school from a boy I had a crush on:
Him: You know if you straightened your hair, you would be pretty and then I would like you.
Me: Oh… Okay…
Another time in middle school with an annoying girl:
Girl: You’re hair looks like you put glue in it! *Starts laughing hysterically* Just straighten it!
My own dad commenting my hair and height:
Dad: Tall girls aren’t pretty, short girls are better.
Me: I know dad..
Dad: Do you want me to take you to relax your hair?
Me: No dad.
Dad: Are you sure? I just want you to look pretty.
Me: Thanks dad.
Shopping for heels:
Cashier lady: Are you sure you to buy the heels?
Me: Yeah? Why wouldn’t I?
Cashier: Well you’re already soooo tall, maybe flats would be better?
Me: Let me buy my heels please.
Cashier: Well okay, if that’s what you want.
Also people are always afraid to ask my ethnicity, because I’m mixed. It goes something like this all the time:
Them: What’s you ethnicity?
Me: My dad’s Mexican. My mom is African American and white.
Them: Oh okay! That makes total sense now because your skin is a light brown but with that curly hair I just had no clue what you were!
Me: Yeah. Okay. Well… Bye!
All the staring eyes, and the constant “Your hair is soo puffy” “Your hair looks like a broom”. It’s enough to be like “Omg stop talking!!!!”
But i still fight to love myself! (:
Hi there!
First of all: your comics are superb!
1)The worst nickname: I’m a curly argentinian girl. When I was like… 10 years old I wore my brown curly hair short. I used to hate my hair. Once I was playing with my girl friends. We weren’t playing soccer but we were playing with a ball and we were running. I remember one of my friend’s big brother said: “Look at her! She looks like Maradona!” (Maradona is an ugly curly argentinian soccer player) And all his friends laughed “Hey! Maradona’s here!” I stopped and look at him with the most profund hate I ever felt. I didn’t feel like playing anymore. When I got home I ran to my bedroom and cried for hours.
2)Beware of the baby: Babies are so cute, but they can be extremely dangerous when your hair is loose: their little fingers grab your curls… “keep your hands out of my hair, you little bastard!”
3)Classmate behind me: There was this girl who sat behind me. Her gratest joy was to “grab-and-drop” my curls. And she always said: haha! Your hair is sooo funny: it looks like a handset cord. And I: you touch my hair again, I swear I’ll kill you.
4)Shut up: Typical. The girl with soft, shining, straight hair. “Oh, I mean, I do like your curls, but, you know? I like it better when you straighten it. You should do this… And definitively you should try that… I have a friend who has curls just like yours and she… And why don’t you do that… I saw a curly girl who… have you ever tried relaxing?”
__oh! look at that hair! you’re so curly!
__ I am (with the please-not-again face)
__it must take you like years to comb it.
__I don’t comb it.
__you don’t? why?
__I’d look like a lion.
__haha, you’re funny. did your mother or your father have curls?
__both of them.
__oh! I see. your curls look like handset cord.
__so they say.
__you sure use tons of conditioner.
__Could I touch it?
__No, you couldn’t.
__Oh! don’t marry a curly like you!
__ … (no comments)
__why you always wear a bun?
__just because (too long and complicated to anwser)
__oh, but you look older when you wear a bun.
__ … (gelid look)
__have you ever tried rel…?
__ where is the bathroom? I feel like vomiting…
Thanks for sharing your comics!
Oh wow! I totally understand you!!! 🙁 I would also be called ugly/shorthair/famous people’s name >.> it is horrible.
My curly bathroom encounter
Having a great hair day and wanting it to stay as is I go to the bathroom to adjust some bobby pins in the mirror by the only sink available and a woman walk up behind me wanting to use the sink..
Me: “Oh I am sorry, let me get out of your way”
Woman:”That’s alright you oblivious need way more time”
Me: -_______-
It was my senior year of high school and I had been having a bad day. A friend of mine was chatting with me and she said something along the lines of “I HATE having straight hair. Curly hair would be so much easier to take care of!” I couldn’t believe what she’d said. I snapped.
Me: “Do you want to know how I take care of my hair?”
Her: “What? Yeah, sure.”
Me: “Every morning, I get up 30 minutes early so I can take a shower. I can’t shower at night because my hair looks like a swamp monster if I sleep on it wet. I get into the shower and I turn on the water. I rinse my hair in the cold water so that the heat doesn’t ruin my hair, which also has high porosity. On an average day, I then put in my FIRST rinse out conditioner and spend at least 5 minutes detangling my hair. I then rinse out the conditioner, again in cool water, and put in the SECOND rinse out conditioner, which I leave in my hair while I wash the rest of my body. I then rinse out the second conditioner with low pressure, cool water.
“After I get out of the shower, before anything else, I put the leave in conditioner in my hair. Then I put in the gel. Then, shivering, I dry my hair by squeezing it with an old t-shirt. I never, ever blow dry. Now, I can finally dry myself off, being careful not to mess with my hair.
“And that’s on a normal day. About once a week, I clarify my hair with a vinegar rinse, which stings my eyes if I don’t do it just right. Also, I have to decide if I want my hair up or down at the beginning of the day, because if I put my hair up and take it down, it doesn’t regain it’s shape until I wash it. And sometimes it doesn’t work. Sometimes my hair is still a crazy mess, because I rode my bike, or it’s windy, or it rained, or I wanted to go to the beach, or somebody tried to affectionately pat my head.”
Her: “I guess I’m fine with straight hair.”
I felt pretty bad about it afterwords, but it was really satisfying at the time.
Ok. So, graduation ceremony for school is coming up, and we are sitting on the benches, practicing for the ceremony. Our teacher tells us that we should tidy ourselves up for the graduation, and then she says, “Girls, remember, clean white socks, clean uniform, and, tame your hair! Make it neat.” And, OF COURSE, everybody turns their heads to stare at my frizzy, bushy, curly hair that had gotten even frizzier from the annoying tropical heat that is always here in Trinidad. The usge, I guess.
Real life scenario #1 – Black woman here married to white man with children:
Children: (Looking upwards at my head with interesting facial expression)
Lyric: “You want to touch it? Go ahead. No, really, it’s okay!”
Child: (Touching hair), “Ooooh, it’s soft???” (With surprised expression on face)
Real life scenario #2 – Typical hair day in the life of Lyric
Curious persons: “You have ‘good’ hair.”
Lyric: Thank you.
Curious persons: “No, really! What DO you do to it to get it to look that way?”
Lyric: Apply water.
Curious persons: (Confused look) “Really? I wish I could get my hair to do that. But you have that good hair.”
Lyric: “Actually, there are three types of hair, wavy, curly, and straight. There is no ‘good’ hair type.”
Curious persons: “Awww, you say that because you’ve got ‘good’ hair.”
Lyric: (Gives up)
Hi there,
I DID get your email regarding the photo and I followed up Immediately. I’m back checking to be sure I didn’t miss the post. How cool of you to invite us.
Looking forward to seeing your rendition of moi. Ha ha ha.
I got yours Lyric ! 😉 Didn’t make the comic yet, it will come very soon 🙂
Well whenever I go to a lot of different places and meet new people, A lot of people ask me all the time if i am mixed with something.. but there is just one problem, I have no clue what im mixed with and dont know where i get my curly hair from in the family. So whenever people ask me, i always have to say ” I really dont know” and then they all look at me like im crazy. So this is for all the curlies that are always complimented and asked what they are mixed with but have no clue.
P.S- a good topic for the comic if you choose me: Clueless Curlies!