Let’s do the same with the Curlies ! (Tallies version here)
Curlies ! Be turned into a cartoon ! Tell me the funniest / weirdest / meanest comments and questions you’ve ever heard about your hair ! Answer here or on my Facebook page !
If there’s a profile pic of you anywhere or if you’re willing to send me a picture later, you could be turned into a cartoon character that will tell your story ! Post as many as you want !
Tall AND curly ladies like me : YOUR STORIES ARE AWAITED TOO !!! 😀
ATTENTION : By sending your story, you understand and I accept that I will use it and probably modify it to turn it into a cartoon, that I will share it on my blog, all my social media accounts and anywhere else I might need to, and that I will own the copyright of the comic.
So I work with a group of kindergarteners (none of whom are used to seeing black hair), and one day I decided to wear my hair in a HUGE afro. When I walked, in the kids were shocked. It’s a lot to take in when your only five years old. Their little minds were trying to comprehend my big hair. Then, suddenly, one of the kids shouts “Ms. Elissa’s hair is FUZZY!”. Fuzzy? Like the the Cookie Monster, fuzzy? And all of the kids chime in and call my hair “fuzzy”. I laughed and explained to them that my hair was called an “afro” and that it means that my hair gets, putting it in their terms, very “fuzzy”. The teacher tried to convince them to use a better term, but I told her I liked it. From then on, I always like to think of my hair as a “fuzzy ‘fro”.
My brither, who has the same curly has as I do but has practically shaved it for the last 20 something years once asked me a really weird question. He said “how do you get your hair like that?” Confused I said “huh?” “Ya, know, the curls…..”, he says. Then I wittily reply “dude, this IS my hair! You’d have hair like this too if you didn’t shave it!” To this day I’m still laughing.
I have a few stories as well:
1. When I was younger, I had long loose curls that went down to the back of my knees. One day, my mother decided it was time to get my hair cut as she was sick of detangling it (or attempting to). So, she took me in to get my hair cut. Little did she know, it would turn into a nightmare for me. Sure enough, the stylist underestimated the shrinkage my hair would have and I ended up having tight, corkscrew type curls that formed into a perfectly round Afro (looking back now, it was actually quite awesome). However, others in my school didn’t think so. Once I got on the bus after having my hair cut, everyone started calling me names such as “Puffball” and the “6th Jackson Brother” (so mean!). It was a nightmare. My mother even attempted to make it look better by putting headbands an accessories in it. It just added fuel to the fire. Some people still call me fluffy to this day.
2. I was in 8th grade when these two boys that sat behind me in English class would consistently snicker and laugh. I never knew what was going on, so I went about my business (at this time my hair was in a ponytail). Later that evening as I was washing my hair, I noticed staples coming out as I combed. Turns out, the two boys sitting behind me would throw things into my hair to see how long they would stay. It was their favorite routine and apparently they would throw wads of paper and staples at me until something stuck. It was so embarrassing! Luckily, soon after the seats were rotated and I didn’t have to sit anywhere near them.
i have two stories one cute and positive and one mean as hell!!
Story 1: I decided to go natural in 2011 when i got really ill i my hair was dropping and the relaxed ends felt like straw so i started weaving my hair and wearing braids to cover the mess that was my hair. My hair natural hair began to grow out when my health began to pick up so i decided to do the bc!! In 2012, I visited my sister and my niece and I were playing and she sat down on my lap and raised her hand to my hair. She then touched her hair and said auntie you have hair like mine! And at that moment, I felt like crying because she was able to identify with something she recognized. I Hugged her and vowed to be someone she can relate too in every way.
Story 2: I am a customer service representative in a company. I wear my natural hair and i love it and my customers love it and complement me on it all the time. One evening I stayed back after work to finish up some work. My then manger called me in her office for a chat. I obliged and sat down thinking that she wanted to discuss the work day with me. Unknowingly the first thing she did was asked me the most ridiculous questions ever!!!!! What are you doing with your hair? I was a bit confused and politely asked her to repeat herself. She then repeated her question and added that my hair does not look front line…….now all I was able to say was if you had a problem with my hair kindly put that in writing so i can respond to you. She never did and within that same week, she was moved. Sad thing was that her senior manager was a naturally curly like me!!! Karma!!!It bites back harder than you do!!!!!!
I was having a really bad hair day & a little kid ran up to me and yelled “That lady’s hair looks like a mushroom!” I was mortified
How can I send you a picture of me if you decide to do a cartoon character of me!
1) My mom and other family members have asked me before if I’m ready or if I’m going to do my hair when I’ve already styled it.
2) In middle school I used to always wear my hair in a ponytail. I was with my friend and someone asked me why I never wore my hair down and I told her it was because I didn’t like my hair and usually people say they like it but my friend agreed with me she was like yeah one time she wore it down and it was really poofy.
3) I was at a Quinceanera and my aunt told my uncles wife look how curly her hair is and my uncles wife was like yeah I don’t like it, it looks like lopsided. This made me feel insecure so I pretended not to hear but then my cousin who was sitting next to me told me I guess just in case I didn’t hear and I pretended like I didnt care.
4) I was at a convention and we had to do some exercise involving touching someone’s ear and a girl behind me reached out to grab mine but she kind of had to dig deep because of my hair and I could hear her snickering with her friends. It was embarrassing
I got this comment from an older woman I use to work with. “You know I’ve seen these young men around here checking you out, if you would straighten your hair you could catch one”. LOL!!!! I had locs for ten years until recently. My hair was waist length and I cut them two year ago. I guess those were okay, you know because they were long.
I’m 5’11”, and I have numerous people ask me if I’m so tall because of my hair. Like, they think my hair is adding four inches to my height.
That, and I was told the ever popular “You look like what happens when you stick your finger in an electric outlet!”
My sister used to try and degrade me by petting my head and calling me our grandpa’s poodle’s name.