Let’s do the same with the Curlies ! (Tallies version here)
Curlies ! Be turned into a cartoon ! Tell me the funniest / weirdest / meanest comments and questions you’ve ever heard about your hair ! Answer here or on my Facebook page !
If there’s a profile pic of you anywhere or if you’re willing to send me a picture later, you could be turned into a cartoon character that will tell your story ! Post as many as you want !
Tall AND curly ladies like me : YOUR STORIES ARE AWAITED TOO !!! 😀
ATTENTION : By sending your story, you understand and I accept that I will use it and probably modify it to turn it into a cartoon, that I will share it on my blog, all my social media accounts and anywhere else I might need to, and that I will own the copyright of the comic.
So, I was trying to do some real quick braids right before a band thing, right, and I asked my mom to help me. She starts helping, and then all these other moms come over wanting to “help”, but they have no idea how my hair works. Worst braids of my life 🙁
I just have a curly girl horror story. I was in class one time, and someone had licked a candy cane and tried to throw it in the garbage, but guess where it ended up? IN MY HAIR. My bff had to CUT it out of my hair with SCISSORS
One time in class I was talking to a friend and some one said to me ” can you please move your afro!” And I replied with ” can you please leave” and then the girl said “I can’t” and the I said ” see there’s the answer to your request”.
Perfect answer!!
I don’t know if you are still taking stories but here’s mine.
We were at a wrestling tournament, my boys and i, and one of our girl wrestlers, who wears a head cover is in a heated argument of sorts with one of my friends, guy. All of a sudden she sprays him with her water bottle, but he sees it coming and redirects it and it hits my hair, which I had taken the time to straighten, and bam, instant curl. Ugh. I was so irritated. This happened like 3 days ago.
I just started going natural a couple years ago as a sophomore in high school. The back of my hair is very curly and had a tendency to frizz badly in the early stages of going natural. As a junior, I was sitting in class and I felt someone pulling my hair. I knew who was sitting behind me, he was kind of weird, and I was pretty positive he was just bored or trying to be annoying. A couple days later, he was doing it again, then all of a sudden it felt different. I reached back to find he had put ripped up pieces of paper in my hair! I turned around to ask him what in the world he was doing, and he looked thoughtfully at my hair and said “you know, I could probably rip up a whole piece of paper and put it in there and you wouldn’t notice.” Let’s just say I was so relieved our seating chart was changed the next class.
I was working at my job and I live in a very popular town with a lot of tourism. So , I was working and that day we had a cruise ship visiting. I was stocking the shelves when a group of asain girls walk up the stairs and starts gushing over my hair. I didn’t know what they were saying. Then one of the girls just starts touching my hair and running her fingers through it. Naturally her fingers get stuck and then she gets pissed off at me and just starts yelling at me.
There’s only one memory from freshman year i will never forget. I was transitioning back to natural at the time and often using flexi rods, bantu knots, and twist outs to blend my hair until i “not so big” chopped. Flexi rods made my 16 inch hair scrunch up to above my shoulders, and i enjoyed rocking that look often, but one day i decided to flat iron my hair for a yearly trim and i walked to my locker and a couple of girls came up to me and had such a curious face that i already knew what was coming.
Girl 1 : OMG, your hair stretches this looooong?!?!?!?!?!
Me : Most people call it shrink-*gets cut off*
Girl 2 : Of course not silly, she just has a bomb a** sew in.
Me : actual-*gets cut off again*
Girl 3 : ooooh, “lemme” see *rushes fingers through my hair and feels all on my scalp*
Me: uhhhh….*very uncomfortable at the moment*
I ended up with all three of their greesy little hands in my hair until they came of with the agreement that it was my hair and I was just standing there wishing they stop, scared to speak up because they were juniors and i didn’t want to cause trouble. It has been about two years and I don’t recall my hair being flat since.
I know for me(im naturally and painfully straight)it takes alot of effort to curl my hair. its so thick and straight and alot of hair i need tons of product. and then that drives me insane because we have soft water,i cant tell if all the product is out or not. 🙁