Hello Tallies !
I wanna hear your stories ! Tell me about the most funny / weird / nasty / mean thing that anyone has ever said to you about being a tall person ! You can answer here or on my Facebook page. If there’s a profile pic of you anywhere or if you’re willing to send me a picture later, you could be turned into a cartoon character that will tell your story !
I want to make several comics about this so the world can see what a tall person sometimes goes through 😉 So tell me as many as you wish and don’t hesitate to come back if you forgot something ! ;D
Regular comic version of the thing (click to enlarge)
Tall AND curly ladies like me : YOUR STORIES ARE AWAITED TOO !!! 😀
ATTENTION : By sending your story, you understand and I accept that I will use it and probably modify it to turn it into a cartoon, that I will share it on my blog, all my social media accounts and anywhere else I might need to, and that I will own the copyright of the comic.
For the record my best friend is literally in 7th grade a 6’0(btw I am only 5’1) and she owns the basketball court!
I’m 13 years old and I’m 5’7 and 3 quarters. One of of my main height troubles is everyone always assumes I am an adult. Like one time I was at the mall with my sister( she’s 6′ but in her 20’s) and she was shopping for a dress for a party. In the first store, within the first 5 minutes, 10 people already had asked me if I worked there. Finally, someone didn’t even ask and just shoved a pile of clothes into my arms, which I promptly gave to a REAL staff member and hurried out, resolving to never again go into an understaffed store again
Once in elementary school these guys were following me around the playground saying things like, “you can’t seriously be that tall” and “dude what growth serums are you on and where can we get some”. So I being annoyed said, “I’m not on any growth serums dwarf”. I was slightly intimidating at the time so they got all scared and started trying to apologize so when one of them said,”come on man it’s just a joke” so I gave him a death look and said, “it’s not gonna be a joke when I drop kick you” and they ran away screaming
Oh my gosh! ? ? ? Epic
Well I am a guy who thinks that tallgirls are awesome always not because I am too short I am avg like 5’5 I know while seeing comments I am quite short but wanted to say that whatever pains you are bearing due to being tall is not ok ! You are Gods finest and first creation mind that because when yall walk all eyes pause for that moment and Short girls feels the heat and guys got their heart melted!
Walk confident and rule the world you are made for that!
Do comment yall views!
I don’t remember having too many bad tall moments. The “do you play basketball?” comments were something I just got used to.
The “oh, you are going to be a supermodel” from an aunt when I was in the awkward puberty stage stung a little. Even I knew that wasn’t going to happen!
In grammar school, the kids would be paired up each boy with a girl as we walked down the aisle for various church functions. Well, inevitably we would run out of boys, so us tall girls would have to walk down the aisle together at the very end of the procession. It was like, oh…here they come, poooor girls!
And my favorite, ” oh, you’re just big-boned!” Big-boned???? Uh, thanks?????
I once told someone (jokingly) that I was so tall (5’11”) because my parents fed me experimental growth hormones when I was young. It was just an off hand “haha” comment. He was pretty tall too (not as tall as me), on the football team I think, and we happened to be walking the same way home. He tried to guess my year and was surprised when he was two years too high. It went something like this:
“Yep, I’m just tall. My parents gave me experimental growth hormones when I was a kid, hahahaha.” ;D
*serious face* “REALLY?” \(O_o)/
“Uhhhh, nooo… that was a joke.” 🙂
“Yep.” :/
“Are you sure?” (o_O)
“Yes. I am sure I was not experimented on a child (-.- ‘) Unless they did it to my siblings too, because they are taller than me.” (^_^)
“Your siblings too?!” \(0.o)/
“No! Seriously, I’m all natural!” {(>_<'')}
It took me longer to convince him they hadn't than it took me to convince him that they had… *sigh*
Wow I am definitely using that next time. I’m 14 and also 5’11, and usually when someone asks me that I say “idk why are you so short” ( mainly because short people are usually the ones to ask ) but yeah I like that much better. When I tell people though I will really try and sell it and just let them think it’s true lol.
This might be a bit shocking, but I’m in 8th grade at the moment, meaning a 13 year old, and stand at a [ what society calls ] whopping 5’7. Now me being a simple teenager, I fall in love of course. At the moment, I have fallen for the most perfect guy I have ever laid eyes on. Except there is one problem. He’s 5’3. Yes, he’s 4 inches shorter then me. He is just so nice and funny and just an all around good guy. However, according to all my friends, it will never work out because our heights are too different. One of my friends [ who isn’t my friend anymore if I do say so myself ] said to me, “Hey! Look, it’s a bean stalk! Let’s climb it and see what Ugly Giant is at the top!” which I immediately came back with the remark, “Hey! Look, it’s an ant! Let’s see how long it will take me to kill you with one foot!”
Girl! Don’t worry! Im going out with a guy who’s 5’5” and im 5’11”. Screw your friends… if you’re happy that’s all that matters. Honestly, i know it’s hard to believe, but it gets easier and soon height is something you come to love! And obvi your man loves it too 🙂
I’m 6’1 if I slouch, and I worked as a teacher then broadcaster in South Korea. I started out in skirt suits to work, heels, stockings, a bob haircut… And what did I think about for most of my waking hours? My classes or scripts? No, all I thought about were lines. Endless lines. Lines upon lines that I had to stand in as I got through my day. First, was the subway, my breasts smashed against eager or horrified faces, every single head tilted up and staring at me, scrutinizing every pimple and flaw. And those with enough space actually got up on their tiptoes just to make sure that, yes, my size was beyond imagination. Then came waiting in ATM lines. The horror of watching all in front and in back turning their heads and bodies, just to verify that I actually was gigantic. (And, of course, everyone in unison propped up on their tiptoes.) Lines in the underground grocery stores. Lines to sit and slurp noodles in tiny diners. Lines to buy coffee. Lines on the bustling sidewalks. Lines to grab a taxi in front of high schools-and I sat at the curb just to avoid the school kids gawking and heckling me. Where were all the benches? Over time, my skirt suits turned into pants, my bob turned into a hat and long hair. Big sunglasses complemented my uniform as I transitioned out of the classroom and behind the microphone. And then I bought a car 🙂