Hello Tallies !
I wanna hear your stories ! Tell me about the most funny / weird / nasty / mean thing that anyone has ever said to you about being a tall person ! You can answer here or on my Facebook page. If there’s a profile pic of you anywhere or if you’re willing to send me a picture later, you could be turned into a cartoon character that will tell your story !
I want to make several comics about this so the world can see what a tall person sometimes goes through 😉 So tell me as many as you wish and don’t hesitate to come back if you forgot something ! ;D
Regular comic version of the thing (click to enlarge)
Tall AND curly ladies like me : YOUR STORIES ARE AWAITED TOO !!! 😀
ATTENTION : By sending your story, you understand and I accept that I will use it and probably modify it to turn it into a cartoon, that I will share it on my blog, all my social media accounts and anywhere else I might need to, and that I will own the copyright of the comic.
I’m a guy, 194cm and 90kg.
There is value in seeing women eye to eye.
Tall women with natural hair are VERY hard to find (Ironic, yes?). A few of my theories:
1. Tall women try to shrink themselves and hide behind their short friends in order to “blend in”.
2. Tall women don’t go outside, because TALL.
This last theory is the one that troubles me most.
3. Every time I approach tall women, short women get in the way. It’s like they have a radar that tells them when two or more tall peopple are getting together.
It never fails.
Never ever ever?
I see an attractive tall woman across the room and as I approach; short women intercept me like airforce F15’s flagging down an unauthorized plane. Not just one. MULTIPLE. These ewoks tend to work in groups.
Theory 3 has been tested.
I have purposely approached short women before approaching tallies, just to see if I may have been mental. Nothing happens when I approach shorties… nothing. Her short firends will even come up to say how great we look together (no thank you). I believe short women may be using telepathy.
I will then approach a tall woman, just moments after, and IF I do FINALLY make it to her, we will surely attract a swarm of killer bees flying about our knees until there is enough space for two or more shorties between us. One to chat me up and one to chat up my target.
If the tall girl is already surrounded by short friends then I have not a chance because the short friends will decide amongst themselves (excluding my target) who will talk to me. They will physically block my approach! And when I attempt to shout over the rugrat in front of me, they just get louder.
The worst? Three firends took the beautifull tallie to the restroom while one stayed with me and asked for my number. I told her I would rather have the tall girls number so she obilged. I called the number the next day and agreed to meet up. GUESS WHAT!? The same short girl was waiting for me. :'( I eventually became friends with them just to spend time with the “tall one”. Eventually it never worked because we could not get away from them (one was her roomate).
Do short women latch upon tall women like remoras?
It is a STRUGGLE for tall men. It is TIRING.
We want nothing more than to be with women we can see eye to eye. I do NOT like bending over to give a hug or kiss. I refuse. Very few of us keep looking, most just give in to the munchkin demands.
So when you see a tall man with a short girl. Know that somewhere… is a tall woman that he really wanted.
Personally, I would rather kick my way threw the tall grass and make it to the trees.
p.s. References to ewoks, munchkins, etc. are all in jest. Besides, it makes up for the names the height deprived call real women.
Ok, if I keep doing this, you’re going to have to set up a poll to vote for the funniest comments to make comics out of! This sounds like a made-for-comic situation, it’s just that funny as I picture it in my head!
I’m 5’8, but I love heels and wear 4 inches on a regular basis (just because I can and they make my feet look smaller ^-^). So the other day I’m on the bus on the way to work wearing my winter heels and this older man (about the age of my father) decides to play everyone’s favorite game: Guess Her Height! I’m frightfully shy (and socially awkward) so I don’t usually like talking to strangers. Oh, and I’ve been told since I was 12 that I look about 14-15 (I’m 22 now), so I really get “weird”ed out when strange older men try to talk to me about my appearance. Hoping he’ll stop guessing I just tell him I’m 5’8 and wearing heels. He then proceeds to complain about how I’m “cheating” and inquire about my (non existent) modelling career. I told him I’ve never wanted to model and would prefer to be an Engineer! (My imagined feminist audience applauded, reaffirming my eccentricity). He throws me one a last “Good. Stay in School!” before I can make my way off the bus (more evidence to me that he thought I was much younger than could be a College Grad.) 😛
On another note: Can I just say how much I appreciate these comics? They always make my day! Thank you
Shopping with my mom and sister, and I decide I’m in the right frame of mind to try on some jeans (I’m sure you can relate). Looking for my size, and a saleswoman approaches me. “May I help you?” “Yeah, I was looking for a 34 leg.” She looks at me like she’s about to tell me that Santa isn’t real and says, “Oh, well, these are guys’ jeans.” I’m thinking, “So?” But she continues, “We don’t carry ABNORMAL sizes in the stores. You’ll have to order them from the catelog.” Yeah, I don’t shop at that store anymore.
perfect 🙂
I am an athlete, an attorney, a mother and I am 6’4. My hubby is 6’6 and my oldest daughter has always been off the growth charts. With the birth of my second daughter, we were over joyed- she was even longer at birth than her sister. But then – something happened!!! She literally stopped growing. I was really worried, I googled and web md’ed it, but to no avail. At her 1 year old checkup, I asked the doctor “What’s wrong with her- is this normal?” The doctor looked me straight in the eyes and said “I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but you all (referring to me and the hubby) are the abnormal ones!” #tallisrelative
As a side note, she did finally start growing and is now all legs and arms!
My beautiful tall wife
Hello! My wife, Jessica, discovered your blog recently and although she has “stick straight hair”, (her words) she’s definitely got the tall part wrapped up (she’s 6’4″). She would never write to a blog about her stories but since I’ve known her she/we have had some doozies (I’m 6’3”).
When we get to or leave a restaurant. EVERYONE stops and stares. It’s kind of weird.
Conversations when people first meet my wife:
Short person: Jeez, you’re tall! Did you play basketball in college?
Jessica: No, did you jockey?
(she was out for the evening for a bachelorette party)
short guy: Wow, you’re tall! Would you be interested in stepping on me?
Jessica: (Quick exit a la Roadrunner to the bathroom)
(At the airport, In the security line, TSA agent checking her boarding pass and ID)
TSA agent: Have a pleasant trip, sir.
Jessica: Fantastic job you’re doing… I AM A MAM NOT A SIR!
TSA agent: (a bit of embarrassment, a bit of fear in his eyes) I’m sorry, sorry, so sorry. Mam.
Me: We won’t make our flight if you kill him honey.
I don’t think my wife could ever be mistaken for a man. Flat chested, she is not. A booty that should be immortalized in song, perfect skin, and beautiful. This was more a commentary on government workers than anything.
No dialog… Just the look of disgust on her face when she walks onto a plane and sees all the short people sitting in the bulkhead and exit row seats (so they can stretch out), whom we inevitably have to sit behind. They then proceed to ram the seat back into her knees, repeatedly, not understanding why it won’t go back all the way. Life is hard with a 39 inch inseam.
When we’re at a concert, the (fantastic) realization that we can stand at the back of the venue, still see the stage, and not be smelling everyone’s armpits and BO.
There are so many more but those are some of the more recent examples.
I think my wife is one of the most beautiful women ever to set foot on this planet. After being married for 11 years she has gradually come out of her shell and started embracing her tallness. She has become a wonderful mother that provides for our family while I stay home and take care of our wonderful 9 month old twin boy and girl (a future fan, I’m sure). She’s also one of the most intelligent people I know (She’s an Orthopedic Physician Assistant.). It would warm my heart greatly to see her immortalized in one of your entries. I’m a photographer and she rarely lets me take her picture, I figure a drawing from you might be better?
This has to be the cutest thing I’ve ever read 🙂 Your wife is lucky to have such a loving and caring husband ! This love story definitely deserves that I put her in a comic but I’ll need a picture of her of course. Will be in touch soon 😉
I will gladly send you a couple of pics. She’s not a fan of having her pic taken but I got lucky this Christmas!
I have a few tall girl stories to share.I am 6’1″ and have been that tall since my last big growth spurt when I was 15 or so.
In my 10th grade high school gym class, our school divided the classes into girls and boys except for the dreaded “social dance” unit, where they would herd us into the gym and teach us line dancing and basic couples dancing (waltzing, two stepping, etc.) I hated the couples dancing because there was only 2 guys in the class my height or taller, and we were randomly assigned partners every class. One day, the partner I was assigned to (an average-height popular guy), looked me up and down derisively, then said, “I don’t think so. I can’t dance with somebody taller than me.” Then he flagged down one of the tall guys in the class and offered to “trade partners”. I was standing right there. He didn’t say a word directly to me the entire time. It worked out well for me, because that guy was a massive jerk and I had a huge crush on the tall kid I ended up dancing with. It still hurt my feelings. A few days later, I was paired up with a boy who just barely hit the 5′ mark. He didn’t try and pawn me off to a classmate, but he was obviously embarrassed by me because he wouldn’t touch me when we were supposed to be dancing together. He’d just sort of shuffle along near me while I was trying to not look like an idiot. I will forever be grateful to the boys’ gym teacher who cut in to save me the embarrassment of dancing with myself.
A second story: I am a month away from being married (yay!). The first thing a lot of people who didn’t know my fiance said when they found out I was newly engaged was, “Is he shorter than you?” When I would reply that no, my fiance is actually exactly my exact height and he would be wearing his cowboy boots, so he would actually be an inch or two taller than me, their next comment would be, “Well, you’d better not wear heels then!” followed by a loud laugh. It was alarming how many people were more concerned that the bride might be taller than the groom instead of expressing well-wishes for two people in love. That’s OK, though. None of those people get to come to the wedding.
I’m not overly tall (about a quarter of/half of an inch under 5’6″) but my family is short. My mother is barely 5’4″, my younger sister is 4’11”, my grandmother is 5’2.5″. I am shorter than all the men though, but that’s not the point. I was at my father’s mother’s houses (she’s 5’1″ on a tall day) and she had a few friends and neighbors over. When we arrived she called attention to the room by announcing that her “tall, sexy, amazonian” granddaughter had arrived. To top it all off, she then began to comment that I was wasting my potential basketball on soccer.
This makes me really uncomfortable with my height. I restrict myself to wearing flats, because I’m afraid to wear any shoes that will make me over 5’9″, mainly because I don’t like the attention. I’m almost 18, and though I’m shorter than most guys, I feel like they’d like shorter girls. I don’t know what to think or feel.
I know what you mean! I’m the tallest woman in my family (both sides) and I’m the tallest blood relative on my dad’s side. I’m not an amazon, but at 5’9″ and a half I’m taller than the average height for men in my age group.
I love high heeled shoes, becasue they’re so sexy and assertive, but I hate wearing them on dates because they always seem to make the guy super uncomfortable and I hate getting comments about my height in front of people shorter than me (which I inevitably get in heels, which push me over 6′). And I have totally fielded the comments about sports. I’m not athletic in the least, but I’m always told I should pursue basketball.
I have another story, but this one was one of the nicest things ever.
I like trees and nature. I climbed trees a lot as a little girl and have kept it up. København has some beautiful parks and on nice days and even some that aren’t I’ll go up in a good tree and just watch and think.
Two years ago I was coming down from a tree in a big park and saw a little girl watching me. She tugged on her mum’s dress and I could see her say “look mummy! An Elf!”
My ears are just a bit pointed and elves aren’t necessarily small creatures. It was the nicest thing and it still makes me happy thinking about it.
This is definitely becoming a comic. The cutest thing ever 😀
So my story is about my 7 year old daughter. My husband and I also have a 16 year old son who plays AAU basketball…Here are our family stats…I am 6’0…My husband is 6’4 1/2 (he likes to throw that 1/2 in..lol)…my son is 5’11 and my daughter is almost 5 ft.
We went out of town for a basketball tournament for my son. My husband coaches so he registered and went in with the team. My daughter and I were at the gate and I was paying for an all day pass…it was $20 for adults, 8-16 yr olds were $15, and everyone under 8 was free. I gave the ticket agent $20 and proceeded to walk to the next table so that we could get our wristbands. They were in the process of putting a band on my daughters wrist when the ticket taker came up to the table and said that I owed her $15. I told her no I did not because my daughter was 7. She squinted her eyes at me and made a comment under her breath “That’s bull!” Of course I asked her to repeat and instead of repeating the comment she said “See, that’s the problem with our children these days…we teach them to be dishonest and lie about little things.”
I was absolutely livid…I told her that my daughter was indeed 7 (I said a few other things as well). At this point I guess I was keeping up such a ruckus, that they asked for someone to come and escort me out. When the gentleman who was over the tournament came, all of the happenstance was being explained to him. While I was speaking with him, I looked over at my little girl and she was crying. At first I thought it was because she saw me upset but when I asked her what was wrong, she said “Mommy, how come nobody ever believes that I’m my age? I’m not lying…Ever since I was a little girl, every time I tell someone my age, they look at me like funny or they ask if I play basketball or say something about how big I am.”
I have always loved being tall and I had tried to make her love it too***Side note (this could be another story)*** when she started kindergarten, the teacher singled her out and felt that she needed to explain to the class that my baby was the same age as the were she was just bigger than everyone else.***The reason I tell that small part is because from that day, I have tried to make her know that she was special and just as beautiful as everyone one else “in spite” of her height. She walks with her shoulders slumped because she tries to make herself smaller. I will just make her stand up straight and be proud that she can see what’s coming before everyone else can…(I try to make it as light hearted as I can sometimes).
Back to the story…When she said that it broke my heart and started to get teary eyed. After I talked to her and got her to stop…my anger just started to boil because my baby’s feelings were hurt. My husband had made his way up front by this point and I told them to look at him and look at me…surely they wouldn’t expect her to her 3 ft tall (if she was my husband would be looking at me funny).
The man that was over the tournament let us in but the ticket taker still had this look on her face like she still felt we were lying. I know I didn’t owe this lady or anyone else anything but I felt I had to do something for my little girl. I made my sister go into my house and get my daughter’s passport (we went on a cruise the prior year) and overnight it to me. The next day when we went to the gym, I asked the ticket taker if I could talk to her (I was really calm). I showed her my daughters passport and told her what she said to me the previous day and how she was crying and how I want her to be proud of her height. We talked a little and she did something that I was hoping she would do…she apologized to my daughter for not believing that she was 7. It was a very sincere apology and it made my daughter smile.
I hear you! I am 6’1.5″ and always tall for my age and people would not believe my age either! My mother is 5’2″ so she carried my birth certificate with her. Now I have a beautiful tall girl who is 11 and I carry her birth certificate too. I’ve been questioned – but not to the extreme you were – and I haven’t had to pull out the paper to prove it yet. It is funny when people look at her and and then ask me where she gets her height. I just answer, “I am 6’2″ (I have to round up for that question.)”
My story is just the opposite. I’m 5’3″ but my college roommates were 5’10” and 6′. Then the guys we hung out with were all over 6’3″. They use to tease me all the time and even once tried to get me into a stae fair on a child’s ticket. They once gave me a birthday card that actually read “to our favorite short person!” But in my family I’m tall because we’re Italian 🙂