Hello Tallies !
I wanna hear your stories ! Tell me about the most funny / weird / nasty / mean thing that anyone has ever said to you about being a tall person ! You can answer here or on my Facebook page. If there’s a profile pic of you anywhere or if you’re willing to send me a picture later, you could be turned into a cartoon character that will tell your story !
I want to make several comics about this so the world can see what a tall person sometimes goes through 😉 So tell me as many as you wish and don’t hesitate to come back if you forgot something ! ;D
Regular comic version of the thing (click to enlarge)
Tall AND curly ladies like me : YOUR STORIES ARE AWAITED TOO !!! 😀
ATTENTION : By sending your story, you understand and I accept that I will use it and probably modify it to turn it into a cartoon, that I will share it on my blog, all my social media accounts and anywhere else I might need to, and that I will own the copyright of the comic.
I can’t relate to the being a woman thing. But I am 6′-7″ tall and tall women are the best! Love the blog!
Once a guy on a bike asked me for my number, then asked if i was a man – when he saw my irritation at his question he said, “oh, not to be rude, but because I had a weird interaction with a guy that I thought was a girl…” – um, no thanks.
When I was in China for a basketball tournament, as you can imagine, they all went crazy at our height. Mine in particular since I was the tallest on the team – so I’d always have a bunch of people taking pictures of me at one time. One time, a woman threw her baby in my arms, like literally threw him so she could take a picture of me with her cute little Asian baby. What I didn’t know – as literally hundreds of Chinese people took pictures of us – was that his penis was hanging out of the diaper pant thingy he was wearing. I posed with this kid with his willy hanging out for a good couple of minutes until I realised and handed him back to his mum
This is TOO funny 😀 I’ve been there too in Japan ! Japanese people were stopping me in the streets to take a picture with me I simply felt like a monument 🙂
Haha! I know right? I’m originally from London and I’ve never felt more like Big Ben than I did when I was in China! I also felt like Beyonce a wee bit, but that’s a different story haha
A monument…that’s great! We’ll bring our kids on a field trip to see you. “Children…This is Tallncurly, the goddess of Height, Hair and Humor.”
I LIKE THAT !!! lol
I was at a fancy event at my job and it was the end of the night and the workers were starting to clean up. As my friend and I started to leave, two of the workers stopped me. With a mix of broken English and hand signals, I realized that they wanted to take a picture with me. I imagine I must have been a sight to see since I am 6’3″ in bare feet and I had on 3.5″ heels. Maybe they thought I was a celebrity or something? While they each took their picture with me, I noticed that a crowd of other workers was forming around us and taking pictures with their phones. Those pictures are probably on the Internet somewhere.
The first story to come to my mind was a time when I was about 11/12 years old. Gym class was always my thing but soon enough people thought it was a bit weird that I was always winning things (ever heard of Caster Semenya? I feel her pain) and my size didn’t help my case so it wasn’t long before a rumor started that I was a transvestite…and several people actually started to believe it. The people that didn’t believe it were the people that thought I failed a grade like 3 times (even though I was an honor student)
I’ve gotten many comments about my height and hair through the years, some stand out in my mind. I was 14 years old, walking down the street when a random man shouted from the other side of the street “what’s the temperature up there?” And about my hair, I was asked once If I had stuck my finger in the electrical socket!! Talk about think before you speak huh.
I’m very thin and 6’3 and get the “are you a guy” question every once and awhile. I always respond – “no, but out of curiosity what are you?”
For some reason I’m sometimes asked what I ate as a child. I’m told when I was a toddler I’d get on the floor and compete with our Beagle-mix for his dinner. So I truthfully tell them that I had a regular diet of dog food. It is worth the look on their face:-) And who knows – I’m the only tall person in the family:-)
And for some reason tourists from the Far East like to include me in their vacation photos.
I was the only woman working at a store. The only one mind you. It’s not like I needed an identifier beyond “the woman that works at the store”. One man kept calling me “the large woman that works at the store”. Finally I said, “I prefer ‘tall’, but my name is Suzi.” (Back in those days I wasn’t overweight at all.)
I had on friend that I saw about once a week. And every week he’d say, “You grew”. I’d say, “Nope, I’ve always been this tall.” He’d say, “That must have been hard on your mother while giving birth.” Sometimes he’d say, “I just don’t remember you being this tall.” (I actually get that a lot. I’m 6’3″, but people always guess my height at about 5’10”. I mark it up to having good posture 🙂 )
Another comment I get all the time is, “I’ll bet you wish you weren’t so tall.”. I always say (truthfully), “Nope, as long as I was going to be tall, I’d like to be really tall!”
And yes, I get called “Sir” a lot. Even though I don’t look like a man 🙂
In high school as I was walking down the hall two height challenged boys pushed and tripped me and yelled.. “TIMBER!!!!!” as I fell to the floor. I just laid there as people walked by.
I remembered one! I think you can label it as a funny story.
I am nearly 6’3” (191cm) tall and once wore 3.5” heels to my friends graduation
ceremony. When graduates entered the hall the audience stood up and applaused to them. At that
moment my “short” friend next to me made a joke. He said: “Laura, it wasn’t
necessary to stand on the chair, you know.” As I have a sense of humour
I got the joke but afterwards thought that maybe high heels wasn’t the best
choice at that day.
Nethertheless, I love heels and wear them till today, but limit myself to 2.8 inch. (Not that it makes any diffenece but still… :D)
English isn’t my native language so I hope that my writing made sense 🙂