I have been struggling with my procrastination and attention issues my entire life.
I don’t want to take medication to be more focused, so I look for solutions here and there all the time to handle what I call my defective enthusiasm. I procrastinate for many reasons (all of which I find valid, of course). Still, the fundamental reasons seem to be me always having too many ideas, always wanting to do them all at once, and getting bored too quickly if I don’t.
I’ve tried to reason with myself, I’ve tried all the organizational techniques in the world, I have a little bullet journal that is still waiting for me to take an interest in it. As a result, nothing ever seems to go the way I want it to, but when I limit myself to one thing, it doesn’t work well either because I get bored, my attention flies, and it all collapses.
My Tall N Curly blog/Instagram account has suffered tremendously from this over the years (as many of my other projects). I’ve lost count of the number of people who have told me that things would develop better if I were more consistent. But consistency and I don’t see eye to eye!
Has anyone with the same kind of issues found something that works besides medication? I’m interested!
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