1) : introduced from another country : not native to the place where found
2) (archaic) : FOREIGN, ALIEN
3): strikingly, excitingly, or mysteriously different or unusual
ie:exotic flavors
4) of or relating to striptease
ie:exotic dancing
None of those definitions make sense. Curly hair is NOT a novelty. It it is not unusual or uncommon. And besides. if my hair is exotic, that would mean that every person who straightens their hair curly hair would have “exotic hair”as well, but no one describe it as such because you can’t see theirs in the state it’s in. “Exotic” should not ever be what a person is thinking when they see someone’s hair the way it naturally grows out of their head unless that person is a complete recluse and has left their house for the first time in their life and they are seeing other hair besides their own for the first time.
whats wrong with so exotic
Definitions of “exotic” as an adjective
1) : introduced from another country : not native to the place where found
2) (archaic) : FOREIGN, ALIEN
3): strikingly, excitingly, or mysteriously different or unusual
ie:exotic flavors
4) of or relating to striptease
ie:exotic dancing
None of those definitions make sense. Curly hair is NOT a novelty. It it is not unusual or uncommon. And besides. if my hair is exotic, that would mean that every person who straightens their hair curly hair would have “exotic hair”as well, but no one describe it as such because you can’t see theirs in the state it’s in. “Exotic” should not ever be what a person is thinking when they see someone’s hair the way it naturally grows out of their head unless that person is a complete recluse and has left their house for the first time in their life and they are seeing other hair besides their own for the first time.
Spot on.