So there’s this “style challenge” going on (it started on Instagram but you can search for #stylechallenge pretty much anywhere), and I just went crazy over it 🙂
Artists are supposed to draw self-portraits in the style of different cartoon characters. Here are some examples:
I started by drawing myself as a Peanuts character and as Betty Boop, but then I just lost it I guess, and here’s what I ended up with! I don’t think it fits the challenge anymore but I don’t care I had so much fun drawing these 😀 And now there’s a Gustav Klimt painting with curly hair ;D
For those of you wondering, YES all of these I drew from scratch, and YES, even the Klimt painting! 😀
Let me know what you think!
(posting the challenge’s compilation first, scroll down to see them all )
Always wanted to be in a Klimt painting.
If you want something done, do it yourself they say, so here’s my version of The Kiss!
(Note: due to high demand this one is now available for sale in my RedBubble Store!)
Me as Emily (Corpse Bride by Tim Burton)
Me as Rapunzel in my version of Disney’s “Tangled”: “deTangled” of course!
Me as Jessica Rabbit
Me as The Little Prince by Saint-Exupéry, or should I say The Little Princess
Betty Boop
Thought that my girls and ladies who have been blessed with more melanin might like this one 😀
The Curly Klimt available for sale now!
“deTangled” I’m crying! XD
You’re quite skilled to be able to pull off all these styles!
Thank you XD
Kudos! I love your art… and since God hasn’t given me that talent I’ll celebrate you and your talent.
Do you make stickers , agenda books print outs or anything I can use to add a bit more diversity in my motivational calendar/ organization book? I’m interested in buying pieces I can use in my agenda portfolio &/or scrapbook
Hi Sassy Cheri 🙂 Thank you so much! I do have a Zazzle store where I sell some of the comics on mugs, stickers and stuff. As for the drawings from the Style challenge, I don’t have the right to sell anything that’s related to any other brand so the only one I can sell is the Klimt, which is available (and I love it, ordered it for myself it’s just great 🙂 ) If there’s a comic you would like to have that is not available in my store you can ask me and I’ll post it for you 😉 Take care
Found the second detangled picture offensive as a dark girl who has hair like the first picture and I am sure that there are a lot of lighter girls who have hair like the second picture and so we should not feed into stereotypes even if they come from within.
I won’t keep you from choosing to be offended, as this is a choice if you ask me.
I’m celebrating all kinds of beauty in my drawings and a beautiful dark skinned girl with long braids is one of them. Also I can’t spend hours drawing all the different hair/skin combinations that exist.
The first picture is literally me as this was part of a challenge in which we were supposed to draw self-portraits in different styles, so the first one has MY skin color and MY type of hair. Then I decided to draw a different one just for fun and from all the shares and likes it got I can tell that my followers with more melanin were very happy about it.
I dont see what dreds or braids have to do with being dark. Seems like you are linking the two a bit too closely. If you had made the statement (sisters with more melanin) then had the same hair with darker skin, that would have been fine. It wouldnt be offensive. Or if you had the dred/braids with the lighter skin and said for my sisters who love braids/locs, it wouldve been okay. Or the darker girl with braids without that statement wouldve worked better. I hope you can understand what I’m saying. However I totally get that you didnt mean to offend. But that doesnt mean that it isnt offensive.
Dear Faith,
Again, I won’t keep anyone from being offended. But I won’t tell you that I understand what you’re saying, no. The only reason I said “My sisters with more melanin” was because the first princess was based on me. She has my skin tone and my type of hair. I didn’t want to create a second princess with the same type of hair, no point in that, and I thought my “sisters with more melanin” would be happy to see a Rapunzel “with more melanin”. That’s it. The choice of the braids came afterwards as I was deciding how I, and I only, wanted my dark skinned Rapunzel to look like, and it felt like braids made more sense as I wanted to create a, again, Rapunzel, who is a princess with long and heavy hair. An afro wouldn’t have fitted with my vision of that Rapunzel. And I didn’t want to create a Rapunzel with straight/relaxed hair. So again, there is no stereotyping here. Or if there is, it’s only in someone else’s mind, not mine. Cheers 🙂
Sheesh Faith, get a hobby instead of trying to play thought police. Artists have the right to create whatever they want, as it is expression. It is art in that it got a response out of you, but you have no right to DICTATE to an artist what THEIR interpretation meant. She explained her thought process to you but you’re still so hyperreactive and caught up in your feelings that you can’t even respect that. Why don’t you take that same energy and actually aim it at something that really IS supposed to be offensive to WoC instead of tearing another one of us down?
I stop by here every so often because the illustrations and the humor are great.
The hair problems make me laugh too, but from the other side of the spectrum. My stick-straight hair is long enough to sit on. It “does the Maltese,” and I get comments on its length whenever I wear it down. When I was little, my mother decided that all girls must have curls. This resulted in many sessions with me fidgeting in a chair and her trying to put curls into my hair, which usually involved so much of that green Dippity-Do gel that my sort of tannish colored hair took on a strange tint until it was washed out, and it always felt like cardboard. I hated my hair. Perms didn’t last very long either, and it was in college that I also decided to let my hair be what it is.
Life with long straight hair can be crazy at times, too. For example, there was the time I was driving down the highway and saw something in the side view mirror. It was a windy day, and I’d shut the door on my hair. It was flapping in the wind outside the car door and a guy in a car in the left lane was giving me a strange look. Lesson: make sure hair is bunned before getting into the car. Feel free to use that for a cartoon if you’d like. And I can’t find a swim cap that will fit all my hair, either.
Anyway, the main reason I’m writing this is just to say don’t let the unhappy people get you down. I know people of many races, and the ones I talk to are people who can laugh at the world without taking themselves too seriously or getting offended when no offense is intended. They enjoy life and are a positive force in the world.
Keep on cartooning, you have a talent! And thanks for the laughs.
I just want to say I *love* your second rendition, as I am a dark skinned girl with knee-length natural hair. Bless your creativity!
I feel like I am looking at myself in cartoon form!!!! I love your drawings!!! They give me so much life!
Thank you ^_^ I’m so happy you can relate :))
When are you going to finish the zodiac drawings?!? Scorpio over here!!!!
Is it possible to get a print copy of the detangled one? My girls would love it for their room. Your work is beautiful!
Thank you Diana! 🙂 I so wish this was possible! Unfortunately I don’t have the right to sell anything that’s Disney related… They could sue me for copyright infringement :/
Gorgeous work and an amazing challenge!
Thank you so much!
Can you get any of this stuff on gear?? I would LOVE the natural hair Peanuts girl on a tote bag or notebook <3
I can’t, the Peanuts characters are copyrighted 🙂 But the Klimt is now available! 😉
Are you releasing your version of “The Kiss” for sale? I planned on buying a copy of the original in print but I’d MUCH rather have yours.
Yes! I just ordered one for myself to check the colors, once I’m sure they come out right I’ll make it available for sale and let you know 🙂
PLEASE!! I showed my fiance, and he was like, “Buy it.” lol
It’s here!! 😀
Love them all !! But I had to scream in agreement at deTangled ? ?
thank you Pebble$! :)) did you see deTangled 2 ? 😀
Oh I see it now .. love it! You know the locs wouldn’t have been complete without the accessories they bring it to life, her smile?