Hiya TallnCurly lady! I’m 13 and I’m 5’5″ and I have type 2B and a half Curly hair! I just recently discovered your website/comics and I love love love love love love it because I can relate soooooooooo much to how you feel! Thanks for creating this in the first place, it was a really great idea! Oh and please reply to this cuz I’m probably your #1fan!
Ha ha .. I like this one. I don’t know why I imagined the comic you shouting out “It’s for a friend” .. to the lady serving you like you were trying to be heard over the thoughts running through her mind.
Hiya TallnCurly lady! I’m 13 and I’m 5’5″ and I have type 2B and a half Curly hair! I just recently discovered your website/comics and I love love love love love love it because I can relate soooooooooo much to how you feel! Thanks for creating this in the first place, it was a really great idea! Oh and please reply to this cuz I’m probably your #1fan!
Hello Sunflower Seed 🙂 what a cute name! Thank you so much! I’m very happy you found me :))
As much as itis is it’s also kinda sweet. us curlie girls looking out for eachother :=D
Yes! Family!! :))
Ha ha .. I like this one. I don’t know why I imagined the comic you shouting out “It’s for a friend” .. to the lady serving you like you were trying to be heard over the thoughts running through her mind.
Pebble$! Long time no see! 🙂 I like your version of the comic! I think it’s even better! 😀