First, I would like to thank Mikki for sharing her story ! 🙂 Too bad I never heard back from you, I could have put you in the comic. For other people who sent me your stories, please check you spams from time to time, you might find an email I sent asking you to send me a picture. 😉 Now.
Never ask a girl with curly kinky hair to do something she doesn’t want to do
If you do, expect either a big surprise or her anger – and generally both.
Other things you should never do to a girl with curly kinky hair without her being fully prepared :
– take off her beanie
– shake her hair with your hands
– pull her hair strands
– spray water over her hair for fun – HAHAHAHAHAHA. Nope. NOT FUNNY.
– force her to go under water in the swimming pool – you could die for that
– hide something in her hair
– take all her hair in your hands and try to make a ponytail out of it
– run your fingers through her hair
… actually you know what ? Let’s make this simple.
Here are the 10 commandments for anyone who knows a girl with curly/kinky hair
1. Don’t do anything to her hair without her being fully prepared.
Oh well. Seems like there’s only one. Simple isn’t it ? So follow it people, and you’ll stay ALIVE.
She is tall and looks pretty
To prevent, I simply say “my hair defies gravity” >:3
OMG THIS IS THE STUFF NIGHTMARES ARE MADE OF O_O. People used to ask me to take my hair down at school all the time, so I told them no. And then they would ask things like “what if I were to just take your scrunchie?”
OMG…I LOVE this!!!!
I stumbled upon this blog doing a google search!
You are friggin AMAZING!
hilarious and talented!!!!
I HATE when people do things like that! I was a at someone else’s birthday party and they got a hair straightener as a present. So later that day while the birthday girl was trying our her new straightener this random girl out of nowhere goes “HEY! WE SHOULD TOTALLY STRAIGHTEN YOUR HAIR! IT’S SO PUFFY AND CURLY!” and then proceeded to repeatedly rip her fingers, from root to tip, through my hair. So of course a yanked her hands out of my hair, and ran for the closest mirror. Sadly one whole side of my hair had been massacred so I had to go the rest of the day with my hair up.
How do you make these FABULOUS comics?! I would love to make some for my website! I wouldn’t copy you, honestly. The thing is that I would love to connect with my audience, but I don’t want to show my face. At least not yet… Please let me know. Your website is awesome!
Thank you! 🙂
I use Photoshop and a Wacom Cintiq, now you know! 😉
OMG! The same thing happened to me Tall N Curly. I am 13 years old and already 5’8 … and still growing! I am also natural so can relate to this hilarious story. On field day this girl Trinity was going around spraying water on peoples faces since it was such a hot day . I recently got my hair flat ironed, but since I knew I was going to be sweating already, I had it in a pony tail with a little extension in the bun. Trinity asked me ” Hey can I splash this water on your face.”
Of course I said no because I know a lot of it would get on my hair and my hair would revert. So I went to talk to some of my friends for a few minutes. When I turn around to look behind me Trinity is standing there with a cup full of water and splashes it on my face. The water got everywhere dripping down my shirt, all over my face, but the only thing I’m worried about is my hair which is drenched in water. To say I sprinted to the bathroom to get some paper towels would be an understatement. when I got to the paper towels it was to late and my hair was puffy and I couldn’t fix it 🙁 So for the rest of the day I had to walk around with my edges looking puffy and the extensions looking straight so everyone knew it was a weave.
The other day I went out and everyone kept touching my hair even with out asking. this twelve year old girl just grabbed it to feel it, then her mother apologized and grabbed it to feel it. and i was like huh? finally i went to the grocery store and this man I passed said “something isnt right” and in my mind I’m thinking like “ok goodluck with that” he then said “not right i tell you” and I stopped to see if i could help out and he says pointing to my hair “you have all this hair” he then proceeded to remove his baseball cap and gesturing to his bald head said “i have none” For the first time that day I didnt know if i was to laugh or be annoyed.
I went to the bookstore once and an old man came up to me and said “I really like your hair…it reminds me of my younger years in the 70s and the hippies”
I was like “…thanks? I guess?”
At least he was the owner and gave me a discount LOL