Learning to be a tall girl
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 months, tall girl obstacle race, go!
You were born 2 minutes ago but you’re already 22 inches long.
You’re thin as a rail so on every picture of your first day on Earth you look like a starving child from one of these sad TV commercials. But you don’t care. You’re happy, you’re drooling and eating and sleeping is all that matters to you.
Bam. You’re 8 years old. You’re already taller than all your little friends at school but for some reason it doesn’t bother you. Yet.
You hate boys and being taller than all of them is very practical. They annoy and hit the other little girls, but they are afraid of you so they leave you in peace.
Bam. You’re 13. You’re at your first party and you think it’s gonna be the time of your life but the DJ decides to put slow music on for 30 minutes. While all your friends have been invited to dance by a boy, you’re sitting there alone, feeling sad, and awkward. There clearly is a problem here.
Bam. You’re 15 years old. You’re in love with Tom at school. He is super smart. Super funny. Super nice. Or was he until you heard him tell his friends at recess that he would rather bang his old history teacher Mrs. Hartwick than to date a girl taller than him. You’re screwed.
Bam. You’re 18. It’s been 3 years already since you started praying for a taller boyfriend. God seems to be busy because the only guy who’s interested in you is 5’5 and despite him being cute, intelligent, kind, gallant and funny, you don’t give a sh*t. He didn’t fill his quota of inches
Bam again. You’re 23. All of your friends want you to meet all the tall guys they encounter. And actually, you do too. Unfortunately height and intelligence are not correlated.
You keep on praying for the perfect man to come, but when he shows up you pull out your measuring tape and you go back home.
There you watch romantic movies and spend your time on the internet typing the names of actors you fantasize about to know if they are taller than you – just in case you would meet one someday.
But you never meet Keanu Reeves or Brad Pitt or Ryan Gosling. All you meet is the 5’6 guy working at the coffee shop at the corner of your street who tells you every morning: “Come here mama come make me your toy boy”. You want to throw up your latte every single time.
And Bam.
Here It is.
Love with a Capital L.
Who would have figured the world would stop on the day you meet that amazing, smart, talented, genuine, sweet, funny, brave, perfect… whoops. Did I say perfect? Let’s take this back for a second. He’s not perfect, he’s shortER!!! By ONE INCH and a HALF!!!
Meeting the shorter version of your dream
I can’t walk in the street with him!
No no no…!! I had said I wanted a TALLER MAN!!! What the hell??? Hey! God!!! That wasn’t the plan!!! Where are you??! Haven’t you received all my prayers??! God??! God!!!!!! God… but he’s PERFECT!!
But… what about spooning?
Oh well, you eventually learn to laugh about it. And it’s cool.
Oh you still have these moments when you try to imagine that he’s taller than you. Even if only for 30 seconds.
But in the end, it’s ALL GOOD.
Well yes tall ladies, my man is an inch AND A HALF shorter than me. He has been for many years and although I sometimes – secretly – wish they would, I don’t think things will change anytime soon. But who cares.
It took me a while to get over feeling like a football player (click to read my story) and dreaming of someone who would make me feel petite and delicate, but I’ve learned to have other priorities, like having someone who makes me feel loved and important.
When I look at the search engine terms in my stats, the ones some young girls typed before landing on my blog, you wouldn’t believe how many times I see things like “I’m a tall girl will I ever find a boyfriend” or “Do guys like tall girls?”.
I’m making no judgement, I’ve been there. But if only these young girls could walk in my shoes for only one second, they would stop worrying. Stop worrying!
Love knows no bounds, love knows no inches, love knows nothing but love. Love without a measuring tape. Love without measure.
Yes, dear tall girl, love comes in all sizes.
Moreover, a study by two sociologists from New York University concluded that… short men make better husbands and more stable marriages! So why deprive ourselves from it?!
And for the men reading this, here’s an article on why shorter men should go after taller women!
Im 15 and most ppl try to bring me down because of my height, boys judge me and i refused alot of short boys because of their height? im very tall and very slim and i hate my height…
Please don’t. I know how high school is, I’ve been there. But please trust me when I say that your height is a gift. Don’t listen to what other kids say. Have you seen this? Because it’s true. > https://tallncurly.com/2015/11/12/2nd-part-of-my-im-not-having-such-a-good-time-in-school-series-way-below/
One has to be really insecure to bully someone, they just hide it behind tons of fake self-confidence, fake power and a questionable humor, pointing at others and turning something about them into a weakness just so no one pays attention to THEIR weaknesses. Once you’re done with all the teenage insecurities (yours and theirs), you’ll see how standing out in this way is an amazing and great advantage.
You are beautiful just the way you are, you’re exactly how you were supposed to be, you just don’t see it yet because teenage is all about blending in. Be grateful for your uniqueness and difference. Most people want to stand out all their life and have to work really hard to do so. You’re a natural. 🙂
High school is hard for anyone who is different in a way, so just hold on tight and train your mind and heart to be grateful for everything you are now, despite anything anyone has to say about you. Caring about what other people think or say is giving them power over you. Focus on yourself and on the people who love you just the way you are, focus on the kind of person you want to be now and the kind of person you want to be later, and you’ll be fine, I promise. Better than fine. And boys will come. One day you won’t care about their height anymore. 🙂
I had another struggle, beeing 208 cm ( 6,8 ? sry dont know this scale that well) i kinda always knew my boyfriend was 100% going to be shorter.
My difficult task was more about making him comfortable with my height…he is 170 cm ( 5,7 ? ) but we are a couple for 2 years now.
Love Escalators too…so he can at least look straight 😉
I love your blog! Haha, the uneven sidewalk drawing made me laugh out loud at work. I met my fiancé two and a half years ago. When he asked me on a date I considered saying no because he is shorter then me. I ended up saying yes not to hurt his feelings, but with the plan to keep it at one date only. But we both had the time of our lives during that date, and it was quickly obvious that we were meant for each other. We love each other very much, and some days I really don’t mind the height difference. But for some reasons I have periods where I notice it more and let it bug me. My fear is that people will judge us, and that it makes me look somewhat less feminine to stand next to my shorter and slightly thinner fiancé. I love summer because I can wear flats and flip flops, and dread winter because it’s impossible to get a good winter boot that doesn’t have a heel! I would never let the height be a factor in this relationship, but I wish I could find ways to not let it bother me.
Hi Laura! Thank you so much 🙂 Well guess what, there will always be times when you find it annoying, always be times when you think about what other people think, just like there will always be times when you wish you had different hair or a different nose or that your eyes had a different color, and then, if you think straight, you’ll realize how lucky you are to be who you are and to have the man you have. It’s ok, and it’s normal! As long as you always manage to see the true beauty in your life and to appreciate how lucky you are, wishing that everything would be EXACTLY how you had pictured it doesn’t make you abnormal, just human. 😉
I’ve always loved the extremes. Or very short girls or very tall girls,
with a bit of preference for the latter. I also must confess that I’ve always loved to see a girl from below.
I’m also happy to see that I’m not the only one who loves tall girls.
My girlfriend is taller than me and while I often wish or imagine her being shorter than me I wouldn’t trade her for the world.
hey could you please answer. Most times I am the shorter person in couples and yes I know I am young (13) but could you help me! a lot of girls don’t want to date me because of my height and I’ve actually had a lot of problems through out my life because I am short. i was bullied, excluded, and thought differently of because of my height. and to be honest I just want to know if you could help me be less self-conscious or get taller or…or… ughhh I don’t know but do you think you could inspire me or something?!
thank you~
Hey Bronson 🙂 I will be answering shortly 😉
You are still young friend. Look for 16-17 year old girls who are more mature. You need to simply spend time with them, such as going out playing games and stuff. I’ve been with tall babes because I don’t care about height and neither do they. You need to take charge, and being the little guy with a big punch might do the trick.
Hey don’t worry. All the short guys I’ve known at 14 had at least a 3 inch growth spurt at 14.
I’m so happy i found your blog. It makes me feel so good reading all those commenta about other tall girls strgglimg with dating all around the world. (Im from Venezuela, 18 y/o, 5’8) the guy that has had my heart for.the first time is shorter than me but it sorprised me when after complaining all my life about short guys when he came into my life i didnt even cared about height, and i think thats jusy purely love. So being tall taught me more to be a better person than i expected. Cheers to all my tall sisters out there! You are not alone! (Find me on insta and tell me you come frome this awesome blog: mariagabrielamh ) TALL AND CURLY I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE THIS BLOG
im 5’5 and my boyfriend is like 5’3 and we dont really care for what people has to say like honestly thats all i ever see is girls that are short that are looking for guys bigger than them but im happy so thats that 😀
My perfect lovers got me by 4 1/2 inches! Doesn’t bother me nor her in the slightest! In fact it turns both of us on ? She is my tall, majestic goddess ???
Miss T&C
You should inform some of your tall sisters to consider us shorter guys, for there are a lot more of us than tall guys. By doing so, you increase your chances at getting a winner, like you did. The down side of rejecting shorter males is that the effects are cumulative and irreversible. I was rejected by 3-4 girls taller than myself. Did I give up on dating? No. I gave up on dating taller girls. Years later, when you taller girls have wasted your life chasing a fairy tale and now consider men less in height than what you used to consider dating, shorter men don’t approach you. For you conditioned them for rejection, and they have no desire to be rejected again. As for me, I am married, with 4 sons. I am 5’8”. My oldest boy is 27 and 6’3”. I have a 16 year old at 6’1”. I liked the wider hips and longer legs a taller girl has and all that goes with it, but I could never even get a date in my 20’s with a tall girl. My 30’s was a different story, but then I dated much younger girls and married a girl 10 plus years younger than myself. Youth and beauty won out over height. But it could have been different.
That’s what I just did, didn’t I? 🙂
I’m 6’2″ and I love shorter guys, but they too scared, too damn scared 😀
Plus bluddy stereotypes that emphasized even here
That’s nice to hear. I’m 5″8′ man and i really like girl who are taller than meI don’t even have a limit i think x). But i wonder in wich country you live, because curly hair where i live, it doesn’t really matter or any kind of hair anyway..
Good luck in finding someone !
I’m from Russia. It’s not hard to meet a tall guy here and people in general are quite tall here, but you still get a lot of attention while walking on the street
5’8″ dude love taller women and you can wear your heels.