Learning to be a tall girl
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 months, tall girl obstacle race, go!
You were born 2 minutes ago but you’re already 22 inches long.
You’re thin as a rail so on every picture of your first day on Earth you look like a starving child from one of these sad TV commercials. But you don’t care. You’re happy, you’re drooling and eating and sleeping is all that matters to you.
Bam. You’re 8 years old. You’re already taller than all your little friends at school but for some reason it doesn’t bother you. Yet.
You hate boys and being taller than all of them is very practical. They annoy and hit the other little girls, but they are afraid of you so they leave you in peace.
Bam. You’re 13. You’re at your first party and you think it’s gonna be the time of your life but the DJ decides to put slow music on for 30 minutes. While all your friends have been invited to dance by a boy, you’re sitting there alone, feeling sad, and awkward. There clearly is a problem here.
Bam. You’re 15 years old. You’re in love with Tom at school. He is super smart. Super funny. Super nice. Or was he until you heard him tell his friends at recess that he would rather bang his old history teacher Mrs. Hartwick than to date a girl taller than him. You’re screwed.
Bam. You’re 18. It’s been 3 years already since you started praying for a taller boyfriend. God seems to be busy because the only guy who’s interested in you is 5’5 and despite him being cute, intelligent, kind, gallant and funny, you don’t give a sh*t. He didn’t fill his quota of inches
Bam again. You’re 23. All of your friends want you to meet all the tall guys they encounter. And actually, you do too. Unfortunately height and intelligence are not correlated.
You keep on praying for the perfect man to come, but when he shows up you pull out your measuring tape and you go back home.
There you watch romantic movies and spend your time on the internet typing the names of actors you fantasize about to know if they are taller than you – just in case you would meet one someday.
But you never meet Keanu Reeves or Brad Pitt or Ryan Gosling. All you meet is the 5’6 guy working at the coffee shop at the corner of your street who tells you every morning: “Come here mama come make me your toy boy”. You want to throw up your latte every single time.
And Bam.
Here It is.
Love with a Capital L.
Who would have figured the world would stop on the day you meet that amazing, smart, talented, genuine, sweet, funny, brave, perfect… whoops. Did I say perfect? Let’s take this back for a second. He’s not perfect, he’s shortER!!! By ONE INCH and a HALF!!!
Meeting the shorter version of your dream
I can’t walk in the street with him!
No no no…!! I had said I wanted a TALLER MAN!!! What the hell??? Hey! God!!! That wasn’t the plan!!! Where are you??! Haven’t you received all my prayers??! God??! God!!!!!! God… but he’s PERFECT!!
But… what about spooning?
Oh well, you eventually learn to laugh about it. And it’s cool.
Oh you still have these moments when you try to imagine that he’s taller than you. Even if only for 30 seconds.
But in the end, it’s ALL GOOD.
Well yes tall ladies, my man is an inch AND A HALF shorter than me. He has been for many years and although I sometimes – secretly – wish they would, I don’t think things will change anytime soon. But who cares.
It took me a while to get over feeling like a football player (click to read my story) and dreaming of someone who would make me feel petite and delicate, but I’ve learned to have other priorities, like having someone who makes me feel loved and important.
When I look at the search engine terms in my stats, the ones some young girls typed before landing on my blog, you wouldn’t believe how many times I see things like “I’m a tall girl will I ever find a boyfriend” or “Do guys like tall girls?”.
I’m making no judgement, I’ve been there. But if only these young girls could walk in my shoes for only one second, they would stop worrying. Stop worrying!
Love knows no bounds, love knows no inches, love knows nothing but love. Love without a measuring tape. Love without measure.
Yes, dear tall girl, love comes in all sizes.
Moreover, a study by two sociologists from New York University concluded that… short men make better husbands and more stable marriages! So why deprive ourselves from it?!
And for the men reading this, here’s an article on why shorter men should go after taller women!
It’s funny how things change as we grow older!
When I was a teenager, I wished I was shorter (I’m not super tall, but above average), so I could date anyone I wanted LOL. Then, I started dating my boyfriend (he’s as tall as I am) and would feel a little bit uncomfortable when I had to put on heels….Now, I couldn’t care less about it, I’m just happy with me and him and everything 🙂 best feeling ever!
I just stumbled into your blog because of tall and curly haired problems. You’re already speaking my love languages, but then I discovered this, and you hit the nail on the head. I was always awkward, skinny, and alone at the dances growing up. I prayed and prayed for the guys to get taller than me… and they did… I dated one who was just straight up crazy…. another who cheated and lied…. and then I stumbled into my 5’6″ partner in crime… and 6 inches is a noticeable difference, but I’ve never been in love with someone so much. He completely changed my mind about “needing to find a taller man”, and I haven’t been happier. Thanks, lady!
THAT IS SO CUTE! I personally don’t give a shit about height, but the problem is a SHIT LOAD OF GUYS DO!
Hi Tall n Curly!
Just stumbled across your website and love it!
I too am tall and curly, with a hubby who is 3 inches smaller than me! After 10 years of marriage, we’ve got used to the height difference, but yes, occasionally, we pretend he’s taller!
Keep up the good work 🙂
Hey Sue! 🙂 10 years of marriage and 3 inches smaller, well that’s good for my statistics! :))) Thank you for your message and I’m happy you found me! 🙂
Oh wow, 1.5 inches, you’re so brave and progressive, even though he is still over average height for a man. It must have taken you every f***ing ounce of mental fortitude to not be totally disgusted and repulsed by someone ONE INCH shorter than you. What a miracle.
“despite him being cute, intelligent, kind, gallant and funny, you don’t give a sh*t. He didn’t fill his quota of inches”
F*** you. Seriously, f*** you. You’re a f***ing c**t. I can’t believe a person could be this cruel and evil to somebody. How anyone could be so heartless and still be able to sleep at night is f***ing astounding.
Wow. I can’t believe I’m taking time off of my life and sleep right now to answer such a comment so I’ll try to make it short and sweet.
I hope you won’t mind me replacing all the f– and c– words with cute and shiny little stars, I’m kind of allergic to that, and as nobody ever felt the need to send one of those my way until today, I’d rather keep my blog clean.
I also hope you won’t mind me not publishing the comment where you tell me you hope I die from cancer. I found that one a little bit rude.
You clearly have no sense of humor nor irony, nor understood a word of my post. Living in such a literal world must really be painful and sad, I feel sorry for you.
To –maybe– help you understand what I actually say in this post: It is common knowledge that tall girls and women often grow up feeling bad about themselves for being so tall. Sometimes they still have issues dealing with their height as adults and feel like having a man taller than them would make them feel better, less masculine, more feminine, so in their quest for love, they often push away some men who are shorter and miss amazing persons, all of this for a matter of a couple of inches. Being very tall as a girl is not always easy to deal with, but you clearly missed that part of the message and, even more clearly, don’t care.
So what I’m saying to these girls is that height does not matter, as I always try to encourage them to accept their height, to be proud and to love themselves as I know how hard it can sometimes be.
By sharing the –ridiculous and born out of complexes– thoughts I’ve once had, which I know many of them have too, I’m trying to help women accept their height and let these –ridiculous and born out of complexes– thoughts behind.
For you thinking I’m being cruel and heartless for saying “he didn’t fill his quota of inches”, I suggest you take a humor/irony class and come back later. You might understand things slightly differently and finally get what it is I’m actually saying.
I also suggest you don’t read any of my other posts or comics until you do so or you’ll probably think I’m some tall hysterical weirdo with big hair who thinks being tall and curly is the worst thing that could happen to a human being on Earth ever.
Good luck and have a happy life.
PS: politeness classes may help, too.
Dear Anonymous,I can’t believe you can be so cruel and evil on a blog.How anyone can be so heartless,and foul mouthed and still be able to sleep at night astounds me.You’re so ashamed of the vitriol you spewed that you had to hide behind the moniker,anonymous.If you had spent any time reading the articles and comments you would have realized that all the cartoons are meant in jest and allow us to vent,laugh and share in the joke.This forum allows us to share our issues/experiences that we come across in our daily tall lives.We joke,laugh and commiserate some of our embarrassing moments,and some of our happy moments,only to find that several females have all faced something similar.Many tall females aren’t lucky enough to have a positive role model,or anyone to help navigate life as a tall female,and there was no such thing as tall fashion back in the 70’s and 80’s.So if just one of these posts or experiences reaches a tall ,young, impressionable female:and gives her confidence,self esteem or acceptance of herself as a beautiful,unique individual then hopefully all of us have helped her bypass at least one or some of the complexes we had to work through without any support.My sincere appreciation to Tall N Curl for the laughs and for a chance to tell some of my own tall predicaments,and mostly for the encouragement to not let my height be an impediment to anything I want to do.
Thank you very much for taking the time to write this, it is much much appreciated.
‘Do guys love tall girls?’ Wow, I can’t believe some ask that. Personally, I am a 5’11 guy and I am looking for a girl taller or as tall as I am. That has kinda been my priority. LOL. Some guys love them tall and I am one. Love your graphic comic dear. I will be returning to see more.
On behalf of all the tall girls in the world: thank you Richard lol
love this website and it is so funny i read it everyday i’m like that but don’t have a boyfriend and don’t have curly hair but i’m TALL .
THANK YOU so much for this. My wonderful guy is an inch and a half shorter than me and I’m just now getting adjusted. I just knew I was destined to be with someone tall. Once my BF put on sweats by accident and they fit I almost died…but what you said about feeling loved and important is right. And now I think how could I have almost missed this guy. He’s 5’6 . Your article as stupid as this sounds kind relieved a huge burden idk… It was just a relief that I’m not the only one lol. Anyway you’ve found a new reader in me. Thank you
And this is the reason why I do what I do, to get messages like this one :))) Happy new year and HAPPY LIFE Erica 🙂
In not tall. I’m 5’2… Every time I go to the doctor they give me a different measurement and over te years the number has been shrinking. Lol. I don’t know how or why… But your story and touching. I live your sense of humor. Your writing is very catching. And your cartoons are awesome! First time visit! I will be back!
This is a cute article. I personally don’t think it should be that big of a deal. Taylor swift is really tall, she’s 5″10 and naturally curly but she seems to date shorter guys and is still seen as soft, delicate and very feminine.
oh well… you know… I personally don’t think it should be that big of a deal either 🙂 but considering some of my female readers and some women in my family are 6’3, some even taller, I think seeing someone who’s 5’10 as VERY tall is all a matter of perspective ;)) But you’re right, Taylor is indeed tall AND beautiful AND feminine and she does show everyone who would think otherwise – yes, unfortunately there are some people who think otherwise, wether it’s tall girls themselves or people who see one – that tall girls are as feminine as any other girl and that they should all feel beautiful and free to be who and how they are. She clearly is a tall girl to look up to 🙂