It always happens doesn’t it? You wake up, you look at yourself in the mirror, and suddenly this amazingly bright idea pops into your head : today you want braids.
Not the let’s-take-an-appointment-at-the-hair-salon-next-week kind of braids. No. The right-now kind. The it-will-only-take-an-hour-or-so kind.
You’ve been through the whole thing before. Your brain knows that these braids don’t exist. But your heart doesn’t agree. Your heart passionately wants them now. So there you go : you start braiding your own hair.
Happily. Enthusiastically. Optimistically.
Me EVERY TIME I do braids in my hair lol
Yesssssss! Lol. I take em all out and hate myself every second of more time spent xD
I thought about putting in minis twists today. Yeah……energy went straight out the window and along with the idea. #aintnobodygottimefadat
I know how this is! lol
Story of my life