Obviously, worst things are happening in the world right now than the story I’m about to tell you, but in my very own small and shallow universe, that was drama.
You know like when the tap has been leaking for over an hour but you’re so lazy you’d rather train your mind not to acknowledge it like a yogi than get off your butt and go turn it off? But then suddenly you jump off your couch screaming with your eyes rolled back and you run to the bathroom to smash the thing with a monkey wrench ? (what do you mean you don’t do that?)
Anyway that’s how I felt a few weeks ago. And here’s what – almost – happened in my little tall and curly girl’s life. 😉

omg i stumbled upon these so late; i can absolutely relate to all that planes and buses both are nightmares!
Oh my goodness – what a good laugh! Thank you for that! I am 6ft 1 and planes are an absolute nightmare!
P.S: My mom and I got so tired of trying to find extra length clothing that we started a brand of our own that caters to tall women in South Africa. Sorry, sounds like a total plug but thought you might find it a useful resource!! 🙂 (www.lovelonglength.co.za)
xo Kristi
Lol story of my life I have 3b/3c curls but I have a very very high density of hair and people always think my hair is weave or they want to tough it. One time I even got into an argument with someone over if it was my real hair or not. People have come up to me and pulled my hair to see if it was real. I’m so glad I finally have someone to relate too. 🙂
Love your blog! I’m tall (6’1”) and when I was growing up in a place where most kids are average-short (Peru, South America) there were some situations like yours, funny and awfull… but the difference is that I’m a guy, so at the end it was OK (even I consider it a bless). About the planes… sooo horrible! What I’m doing there is not honest but anyway, I don’t end up with leg pain after 6-12 hours flying: I try to go to the airport earlier and be the first in line on the counter and I say to the lady “You know, I had a knee surgery a month ago, so please if you have the emergency exit seat available for me I’ll be much appreciated” and I’m even pretending to limp when I’m walking, and most of the times it works!…. I know, I’m lying… but hell! I ain’t no getting a squeeze-press economy seat, – even once I ended in business class with no charge!!
It was fun, so nice I run into your blog… keep drawing… cheers!
what do you think about not natural curls ? (girls who don’t have natural curly hair)
Meaning straight haired girls who curl their hair? What should I think about it? 🙂
Everybody is free to do what they want with their hair, curly girls have the right to straighten it, straight haired girls have the right to curl it… I’m no naturalista-power woman and have never been, I just want to encourage women to love themselves the way they are. Once a woman is happy with herself and is not changing whatever it is she’s changing only to please other people or to fit in some box, I think she shouldn’t need to justify herself to anyone and do as she’s pleased. If a straight haired girl wants some curls, I say let her have curls! 🙂 Just like relaxed curly hair will never look like real straight hair, curled hair will never look like real curly hair, but both relaxed and curled hair can be beautiful if it’s done well so… whatever brings out your happy 😉
If we could just get everyone to think like that, to live by that, all the hate would vanish. Please keep writing. You are such a great person with a wonderful heart. I really needed to run into you today. My heart has been hurting. Thank you for being you.
Hi Tina! Thank you so much for your kind words 🙂 I’m really happy you found me, it always warms my heart to know that my little comics are helping someone in some way <3
Lol! Tall and curly is great. Me likey likey. I love your blog. The cartoon is super. Love the facial expressions on them.
I am 5’11 and have hair soooo frizzy and curly and I have never enjoyed reading anything more than this blog. i feel as if i am reading a blog of all the thoughts that have crossed my mind my whole life of being a tall and curly girl lol
I love your blog!!!! I can relate to curly hair part at the airport. I (now) have a curly 3b/3c pixie cut and I’m pretty short…..okay very short 5 foot even. I hate when they decide to touch your hair during security checks and then everyone stares at you because you now have a frizzy afro until you get to your destination!! Plus everyone is like “OMG YOU HAVE CURLY HAIR!!!! LUCKY I WISH MY HAIR WOULD CURL!!” or “How do you get your hair ssssooo curly?” Me:”……..Something called water and a bunch of products to some what tame the beast on my head.” Thankfully, my college has a a lot of natural girls so I no longer go through people wanting to touch to my hair.
Oh my I thought my hair gives me hell (I’m merely 2B pattern certificate).
LOL this was soooo true! I have experienced this a time or two. 🙂 Great post!~