Obviously, worst things are happening in the world right now than the story I’m about to tell you, but in my very own small and shallow universe, that was drama.
You know like when the tap has been leaking for over an hour but you’re so lazy you’d rather train your mind not to acknowledge it like a yogi than get off your butt and go turn it off? But then suddenly you jump off your couch screaming with your eyes rolled back and you run to the bathroom to smash the thing with a monkey wrench ? (what do you mean you don’t do that?)
Anyway that’s how I felt a few weeks ago. And here’s what – almost – happened in my little tall and curly girl’s life. 😉

Hi! Omg I love your blog Im a teenage girl with 3c/4a hair going to a mostly white school. I use to hate my curls but then I discovered naturally curly which led me here from your blog I learned having curly hair is a blessing not a curse and just because not everyone excepts it and sometimes its a little hard to manage doesn’t mean its bad… so Id like too thank you for showing me the beauty in my hair and letting you know that you are a tall and curly god!
Hi Michaella!
Thank you so much for your message! Nothing makes me happier than reading things like this! 😀
I, too, went to a mostly white and straight haired girls school and it took me a long time to figure out how to simply accept and love all that made me different, so if I can help some young girls get there faster than I did, I think my job is done 😉 Much love and always stand tall and curly! ;D
Lol I’m 3c/4a . I have tight small afro curls all over my head ! It’s Even Harder With ME I go through a battle with my hair everyday !!
jajaja I always read your blog, and i love it, but it is the first time i comment. I live in Argentina, here there are very few people with curly, really curly, hair. I think mine is 3c. So, it is very difficult, because people are not used to it, and when i was younger i felt as if something was wrong with me. I still use my hair in a bun, almost always.
I looooooove the part with the 2b curly girl!!!! jajajaj i hate when people speak about been curly and they only have some waves!!! “you have not idea what to be curly is, dude. I AM CURLY, dont take away from me that” JAJAJ sorry for my english, i havent used it in a long time!!!
Your english is great don’t worry! ;))
Glad you finally decided to leave a comment and that you can relate! 🙂 You should let your hair loose! Uniqueness is priceless! Enjoy it! ;D
Two words for your blog…. Love It
Thank you !! ^_^
I absolutely LOVE your blog 🙂 I’m tall and curly too. I live in South Africa where you don’t find that many tall people, more especially tall girls (so you can imagine the comments thrown my way on a daily -_-). I can definitely relate to this comic, sometimes I wonder if people actually have brain filters, lol. This side of the world people go CRAZY over curly hair, they love it 🙂 & I LOVE my massive curls. It’s only annoying when people make comments about it blocking their view -____________- 😀
Thanks for the awesome entertainment! 🙂 x
Hi Naii ! Thank you for reaching out and hellooooo South Africa! ! I would so love to visit one day!! :))
Lmaoooo. WHAT A READ! I do have one concern though….the whole airplane situation. I’m in the beginning stages of going on travel adventures, which includes airplanes. I’ve NEVER been on one before….is it really THAT BAD for your legs? One thing I HATE it getting in cars, taxis, on buses and there’s no room for my legs. It’s so painful! Noooo! Lol.
Well the truth is it all depends on the airline you fly with. Some airlines make everything to make more money so they want as many passengers to fit in their planes. In these companies, you’ll probably have problems. And it’s very hard to tell nowadays as the companies always change things. For example I used to find that Air Canada was the best airline in the world with Swissair (I didn’t fly all the companies of the world of course so it’s based on what airlines I flew with), wide seats and room for the legs. But a few months ago I flew with Air Canada and everything had changed in the economy class. The seats were narrower, knees touching the seat in front on me, I was very disappointed.
My only advice is always try to book your seat as soon as possible and try to get one near an emergency exit as there are no seats in front of them. But overall, yes, it can be a real pain in the a**, especially if it’s a long-haul flight. :s
Funny. Although I can’t help feeling like you over-react sometimes. I’m tall and left-handed. People comment. It’s hard to take offense when they aren’t being accusatory, just awed. Or it could be because I’m not insecure about either?
well 🙂 if over-reacting is me starting screaming in the airport and ending up in jail well… please note that this is just a comic 😉 I didn’t scream and jump everywhere, and I didn’t end up in jail. I promise. 😉 But you see if I told my stories like : “The other day somebody told me this and I said “oh, ok, whatever” and somebody told me that and I said “humph””, I think I wouldn’t make comics worth reading, don’t you think ? 😉
Trust me, I’m not insecure about my height nor my hair, I LOVE them both and wouldn’t trade them for anything 😉
Ugh, I’m sorry you went through that! I’m curly and left-handed (been a leftie longer than natural) and I still roll my eyes when people feel the need to comment on my writing hand. It’s so…awkward, as I see you can understand (LOL). What’s more, people act like you’re “bitchy” when you finally tell people to back off.
It’s okay for people to get starstruck, you’re amazing. I know I am. I just remind them to look and not touch. 🙂
I have a triple whammy then.I’m left handed also.Started out at a Catholic School were the Nuns thought writing left handed was a sign of the devil so I was made to write with my right hand.My mom wondered why I kept getting a C in cursive/writing class (showing my age).When she found out they were whacking my knuckles with a ruler and making me use my right hand there was holy H*ll to pay.She was a teacher too and let the Nuns have it.Go Mom.I’m thankful she was a strong woman and taught me I was fine just the way God made me.Wouldn’t let me slouch either.So I own it all.It’s me,love me or leave me,not my problem and don’t care if they don’t.You’re right I will have to tell people that it’s okay to look but please don’t touch.I’ve still got a few fast maneuvers to avoid people’s touches from many years of being a waitress/bartender. lol Thanks for the encouragement.
Please tell me you’re over 50 yo and that these “left handed is a sign of the devil” don’t exist anymore ??? Jesus !!
My uncle had the same problem. The Nuns forced him to stop writing with his left hand, and so he learned to write with the right hand and forgot how to use his left one. Well guess what, at 36 years old he had a stroke and remained paralyzed on the… right side. Way to go Nuns. He never managed to write with his left hand ever again and lived all his life relying on his wife to write…. Ugh. Anyway thank God your mother was there and did the right thing for you :))
I’m 6’2 with long wavy hair.My hair is starting to come down below my rear end.I’ve had the same problems.Strangers coming up and actually touching my hair before I could back away.It was one thing in the home we had my mother-in-law at for Alzheimer’s,they don’t know any better.So after they had touched and stroked my hair and, of course left food and sticky residue in it,I would go through the whole process of washing,conditioning and combing out the tangles again.And young girl relatives like to play with it,that doesn’t bother me either.But I just don’t understand why strangers think they have the right to touch my person,and let’s face it,hair is very personal.It’s one thing when my husband plays with it,very intimate,or my boys would brush it when younger (ouch!!) 🙂 I also get the “You have long hair,you should donate it to Locks of Love.”If you want to invest all the time and money I’ve put into growing long,healthy hair then you can donate your hair.I think Locks of Love is a great program and when I’m ready to cut my hair I will donate all cut off.But it’s my decision,not a complete stranger’s.I even had one woman ask if she could buy my hair for extensions. Uhm,that’s a big ass NO.I enjoy the compliments but all the other comments and trying to touch my hair can get annoying.So I’m kind of in the same boat as you.I’m that “really tall woman with the really long hair” Don’t even get me started on the comment “wow,you are tall”.DUH, thanks for stating the obvious.I wouldn’t have known if you wouldn’t have told me. lol
That has to be the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard….. “If EVER you were to cut it, don’t forget Locks of Love” would have been more appropriate..? wow. 😀
Gah! What a nightmare! No one likes to be defined in such ways! My hair is curly, more like the girl’s in the plane.
But, here is my question. When I see someone with gorgeous hair (like yours) and the timing is appropriate, I often tell them that their hair is beautiful. And if the timing allows, I’ll mention that my daughter’s hair is similar and how wonderful it is that we live in a time that beautiful curly hair is appreciated (versus when everyone had to straighten their hair).
So, the question is, would my comment and possible subsequent conversation be seen as annoying and frustrating as the comments in your post?
Of course not ! lolll You’re talking about compliments and a nice and open conversation. 🙂
Let me explain the annoying part of my comic : “That’s some hair”. That’s not a compliment. What is that ? Either you like something about someone and say it clearly or you say nothing, yes ? Like what I answered back : “That’s some nose.” How does it sound ? What does it mean ? You get it ?
Then the guy at the customs was just very creepy. And the flight attendant actually asked me if it was a perm before telling me I must be hot under my hair. And she also said “You have so much hair can i touch it?” like I’m some kind a weird pet, not “I like your hair” or “It’s beautiful”, just “You have so much hair can i touch it.” Reminds me of people feeling excited to touch a snake for the first time or something.
“You have such a long nose can I take a picture ?”… you know ? 🙂
We all love compliments ! I just don’t like people not being nice enough to say something nice but rude enough to say something that just brings the attention on the fact that they think I’m different. And don’t get me wrong I love being different, but I’m not just a big hairball on extra long sticks waiting for people to point it out, you know ? But how could a compliment be annoying ? 🙂
I agree – when a real compliment is given, it feels great. When a statement is made that makes you feel odd and different, it feels rude and awkward. After singing in a veteran’s appreciation concert, a nice lady came to me and expressed how grateful she was to see me on stage with everyone. She went on further to say how great it was to see a brown face in the all-white choir, right in front of other people, including my husband and sister (who are white). I didn’t get upset, but thanked her and went away feeling awkward because now I was reminded that I was different and the only non-white person in the building and how everyone else probably noticed that too. There’s a right and a wrong and an appropriate way to express your admiration- especially when talking to a complete stranger. I would totally feel complimented by your comment 😉 I would totally feel affronted by a comment that left me feeling like the odd-duck out.
Very well said!