In my tall girl’s life, one of the problems I encounter everyday is walking with shorter friends and trying to prevent them from a having heart attack.

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A webcomic about a tall and curly girl's life by Cheyan Lefebvre
omg i love your comics squeal
but im very short and get teased n class but boys love it and t least i have tall friends
Gosh, I have a friend who walks SO. FAST. I’m a naturally slow walker, so we’re a terrible match when it comes to walking. But she’s not tall. In fact, she’s pretty short, shorter than me (by an entire centimeter. as short people, that’s a big deal for us). My friend, who’s 183 cm/6 feet tall, even complains about her fast walking. It’s freakish.
I am also a tall, curly haired girl, and I feel like it is impossible for me to be normal. Lately, though, I have been feeling a lot better about myself because of your comics & stories. It’s nice to see that I am not the only one that has to deal with the struggles of being tall and curly.
Hello Francesca 🙂 Thank you so much for your message :)) Welcome in the family of curly giraffes ;))
Hahahaha. This happens to me! I am 5’11 3/4 and I just found your site. I like it.
Thank you LadyBug ! :))