Well YES Curlies !! As – most – of you got it, the 9 reasons why straight hair is better comic was an April Fool’s comic ! ;D
Geez… NaturallyCurly.com almost got me into trouble with that one.
I thought I would share a bit of it, so here’s the 8th reason !
Meanwhile, enjoy yourselves people ! Whether curly, nappy or straight… we were all made perfect. 😉
Geez… NaturallyCurly.com almost got me into trouble with that one.
I thought I would share a bit of it, so here’s the 8th reason !
Meanwhile, enjoy yourselves people ! Whether curly, nappy or straight… we were all made perfect. 😉
All I do is shampoo brush and condition and brush and wash with cold water and im curly, you really dont have to do all that with your curly hair. Just dont ever put heat on it or straighten and your hair problems are solved.
Good for you April 🙂 Unfortunately, it’s not that simple for all curly haired girls. There are so many different types of curly hair that there’s not one technique in the world that would work for all of us. If I just shampoo brush and condition my hair and wash it with cold water, I look like a giant poodle and my hair is frizzy, not curly. At all. And although I may have exaggerated a little in the comic, but it’s because, well… it’s a comic. 😉
Hi! Right now I am transitioning and I live in DR, a tropical country, and the weather is mostly hot or humid, or both, and without those techniques and flexi rods I would not know how to handle my hair
Hey so I was just wondering if you had any idea why my hair doesn’t ruined in the rain like yours does? Mine actually gets better if I just air dry it. Also do you have a tumblr account?
simply because there is not only one type of curly hair 🙂
different curl patterns, a thin or thick hair strand, if the hair is healthy or not, so many differences!
I do have a tumblr but I don’t update it very often, look for tallnurly1 I think
I’m short and curly lol,but I love your comics!! They give me life and motivation to continue to love my hair and myself. Thanks!!!
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This is my life as a Curlie and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Hehehe, love it, girl you are a genius with your comics.