Tallies and Curlies !
Here’s the second true story turned into a comic. This time : Afton’s true story ! Thanks for sharing Afton ! 😉
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A webcomic about a tall and curly girl's life by Cheyan Lefebvre
Basically,most of the time i go to school with ma hair straight and one day i decide to leave it curly………….i get to school and everyone’s like “Hey,did u get a perm?” or “Hello,ever thought about buying a comb,i could lend u one”………..so rude and annoying
Similar story but the opposite version. People often ask me “how long does your perm last?” or “your perm looks so natural!”.
Same EXACT thing happened to me literally!!!!!
Oh em gee, really????? LMBBO!
*giggles* as an exotic dancer for 5.5 years I learned all about extensions, but they mostly white girl extensions. I did sew them in for a friend once. It was a team effort as our common friend made a few row of tight braid that I was able to sew them onto. My favorite extensions were the clip ins. They were easy to put in at the beginning of a shift and take out before you went to sleep.