Hellooo Curliiiiiiiiiies !! (Tallies I hope you’re fine too ! )
What about writing a comic together ? My next comic to be posted on NaturallyCurly.com in July is about the pros and the cons of having curly/kinky/nappy hair. Wouldn’t it be nice to do it together ? ;D
Share with your curly friends !
I think my reply went to the wrong spot!! LoL! Anyway, Pros and cons, huh? OK..
Pro: Being Different. I’ve always been different whether I wanted to be or not. I didn’t look like everyone else, I didn’t sound like everyone else, I didn’t dress like everyone else.. Why start blending in now?
Con: BEING DIFFERENT!! Is not always great. People are always trying to get you to conform and even adults can be mean ass haters tool
Pro: Everyone (Well, except one asshole and I think he picks on it because HE likes ME and I could give a total fu@k about HIM! LoL!) loves my hair now. When I had locs, everyone wanted MY locs. As a natural, everyone tells me how beautiful my curls are. They RAVE about how awesome it is and how it’s “good hair.” Ahhh, the south…
Con: I just don’t see it!! LoL!! I mean I adore my hair. It’s MY HAIR!! What choice do I have? And given the chance I’m not proud of it but I’d likely trade it in for some finer textured stuff.. My hair is so coarse and rough it just is NOT how it apparently looks to others!! I’d love to have fine, silky hair. It just seems like it’s easier, though I’m sure it doesn’t make it easier. Just grass always greener syndrome. (drone? drome? hmmm..)
Pro: I can do wash and gos.. Just some water, gel, and rub and shake!! Boom!! Out the door!!
Con: I can ONLY USE GELS!!!
Damn, hit send by accident.. LoL..
As I was saying, I can only use gels.. And not all gels.. Aussie works OK, but Aussie also foams in my wet hair.. And my hair hates damp/dry styling.
So all I can use is EcoStyler. And my moisturizer? Long Aid Activator.. Why not some Shea Moisture? As I Am Butter? Cantu Even?!! Because my coarse, low porosity hair won’t absorb the creamy products.. So basically I have to treat my hair like a natural jheri curl…. Awesome…
The list of pros and cons can go on and on and on…
Seriously took ten years to grow my hair long after cutting it all off! Shrinkage is my mortal enemy, as are PANTS because I am six feet tall…..my mother is 5’3….which is proof that The Creator has a sense of humor! Finally, now that I am mid 40’s I LOVE my hair and my height…just can’t really deal with shopping them….need a second job to pay for hair products!
iimma shorty ^^ 5’3 1/2 pro: being able to be able to accept the rain! they just make more curls for me con: trying to find out what type of hair style to do right after you get out of the shower. or not feeling like retwisting or braiding or whatever it is you do before bed time! orrrr having a hard time reaching the back of your hair and having to be in a really akward position because your arms are short! XD
Pros: 1)Since I am 6’2″ with natural hair, it makes it super easy for people to find me in a coward when meeting friends. 2) Being able to sweat at the gym and the appearance of your wash-n-go, twist out, or braid out remains the same.
Cons: 1)Managing dryness. 2)Being 6’2″ with natural hair makes it also hard to hide from bug-a-boos (a.k.a. short men)…lol 3) Straight hair styles reverting back while exercising at the gym.
Pro: Love that I can just add water and curl! Funny how what I used to run from is now one of my favorite things! I love the puff and that I can do so many different things.
Con: Shrinkage makes it hard to see progress in growth. Single strand knots kill me every time.
I love that I don’t have to worry about my hair being “outta place” because it doesn’t really have “a place” && plus its extremely versatile!! I love it
It´s Voluminous.
It´s entertaining (cause I love to pull the curls and watch them spring back)
It´s so easy to do a messy bun with curly hair
It´s looks good wet unlike other hair types.
It calls attention
It never looks boring
It can look exotic at times
It´s really versatile
It is almost never greasy (I can go a really long time without shampooing)
It´s interesting and unique
Not being able to do the “Bedhead” look (btw I saw your comic on this and it is so true)
People sitting behind you complaining that they can´t see
When it turns into a big triangle
Takes forever to dry
When your hair looks great and then people touch and it turns into a frizz ball
Taking 4 times as long to grow then regular because of the shrinkage
People telling me that it looks better straight (That is NOT a compliment!!!!)