Hellooo Curliiiiiiiiiies !! (Tallies I hope you’re fine too ! )
What about writing a comic together ? My next comic to be posted on NaturallyCurly.com in July is about the pros and the cons of having curly/kinky/nappy hair. Wouldn’t it be nice to do it together ? ;D
Share with your curly friends !
i have pros..truly i do. just dont want to post them “/
CONS: after months of protective styling (im in high school and i say protective styling but i actually mean being scared of my twa smh) i do a twist out on my awkward not short enough but not long enough hair.
a friend is walking by (a guy) and stops, pauses, and states “you have hair”.
self esteem booster first thing in the morning c:
Anudder CON: boys…. .-.
I was in R.o.t.c and we had to wear our uniform and the girls have to wear buns (well i dont have bun length hair) so i had a small puff going on.
Kidding around with one of the guys he proceeds to state: your the crackhead you have no hair.
oh really…
i lied. i do have a pro!
Having natural hair twa or not. It makes you stronger, after he said that i wanted to cry but i didnt i sucked it up said my slick remark and went on with my salty day (yes that comment did have me feeling a kind of way).
omg I feel you! im in that akward stage of being natural of which isnt always a bad thing its only a bad thing when you believe it is but anyway im in high school to and its like you kinda gotta readjust yourself to having natural hair but im finally all A Game for it XD it will get better and the funny thing is its like once you return natural you see eveyone else is tooo (^^)/ #teamnatural and tallandcurlycomicss!!! XD
Way to go, girl! Kids can be so mean!!! I remember high school… And I still hate most of my class mates for this very reason..
– Curls just happen, you don’t have to spend hours in the salon with hot metal clips from the roller set burning your scalp to get them!
– Compliments! I think it’s a crazy mop top but the rest of the world finds it fascinating. I won’t complain 🙂
– The styling options are endless (even if all I ever seem to manage are variations on a twist out)
– I can scratch my scalp whenever I feel like it
– It brings out my personality. I always feel a little sassier with my curls than I do when it’s pressed
– Monthly visits to the salon are an option, not a necessity
– I just love it 😀
– My hair now partially blocks the vision out of my rearview mirror if I wear it in a fro
– Two words: LINT MAGNET
– Even on a good day, I can’t run my fingers through it without disturbing the curl pattern & creating a tangle.
– My engagement ring almost got caught in it
– The maintenance. I spend more time and effort on my natural hair than I ever did when it was permed. Deep conditioning, protein treatments, moisturizing and sealing…uggggghhhh
– Lack of predictability. Even if I replicate my regimen, my hair never looks the same way two days in a row
Pros: It takes 20 minutes versus the nearly 4 hours it used to take to do my relaxed hair (long story). The rain and the beach are no longer my mortal enemies. I laugh in the face of humidity. My curls are like no other’s. I never really liked shampoo anyway.I get to put my creativity to use trying new homemade hair care recipes on my curls. “The Hair” sets me apart from the crowd.
Cons: I get stared at…a lot. Most kinkier-haired gals won’t speak to me (seriously..what is up with that ish). I need to own stock in natural hair companies that *cough* will remain nameless and I don’t. Shrinkage is a beast. Finding the right style for that awkward, growing out length.
Pro: It stands out and grabs everyone’s attention!!!
Pro: Versatility
Con: You can’t just go to sleep without a bonnet, retwisting or rebraiding your hair. We ain’t about that bedhead life! If we just go to bed with “naked” or unprepared hair, be prepared to spend a lot of time the next morning doing your hair lol
Con: HUMIDITY IS NOT OUR FRIEND!! I can’t even go outside anymore in this Georgia summer heat. And forget beach trips. lol
You are embracing who you are
You aren’t too afraid to get it wet (mainly if it is up or you are rocking a fro_
It is so versatile
Hours and hours to get a certain style sometimes
Deep conditioning over the weekend prevents me from going out
Sometimes is hard to manage or handle it (requires a lot of patience!)
When it is short you always have to make sure it looks nice (sigh)
Hard to find a hair salon (apparently, a lot of people aren’t trained to do African American hair, let alone natural).
People always assuming you will relax it once it grows
People always assume that your hair isn’t “good” hair
Sometimes I wish people will stop trying to see if they can touch my hair. I am not an exhibit.
*These are mostly for short natural hair as I’m a new natural, and only have about 2 inches of hair so far lol.
Pros: (For my recent BC + TWA at least) Not having to do much to my hair before leaving the house, instead of wash-n-go’s I wear wake-n-go’s haha. My hair texture is unique and I don’t look like ever other relaxed girl holding on to two strands of long, unhealthy hair for dear life (like I was up until 2 months ago). Everyone comments about how good you look with your old hair. I finally love MY hair, and not the chemically processed, damaged mess I called hair before.
Cons: Your grandma comes to visit and comments on how bad you look with your new natural hair and spends her whole visit telling you how to “fix” it with a pressing comb, wigs, relaxer and the like. Your parents also do not like your natural hair, and especially not your TWA and are not shy to share that info with you lol. Your hair suddenly becomes a lint trap for EVERYTHING! People think you’re going through a mid-life crisis because you chopped your hair off lol. The name calling: baldy-locks, nappy head, etc. Avoiding heat, and towel drying means wet hair for longer which means water down your neck and wet shirts, which creep my out *shudders*. Constantly having to moisturize you hair which sucks.
Hopefully I didn’t rant too much, this is all I got for now, good luck and keep drawing, I love your stuff!!!
Pros: Rain is no longer a 4 letter word! Healthy hair. So versatile.
Cons: I swear my hair is a magnet for random low hanging trees!! (I’m curlie/new TWA and tall, 5’9″) Also why do I feel like I am now being attacked by bugs! I make my own hair stuff and use store bought products that smell yummy that i think they think I am a flower or something.
Pro/Con: Shrinkage…the struggle is real…need I say more. Some days I don’t care but some days I am like REALLY!!! It took me hours to put those darn twists in my hair for my twist out, stretched my arms in ways that I’m sore like I worked out, and then when I have to moisturize again, POOF, gone!!! Dang it! It takes a long time on a TWA to get those twists to stay in. You got to do like a gazillion of them or something!
Ok..I’m ok…sorry just had to vent on that last part. I LOVE your comics. They came right on time before I did my big chop May 25th to become a new curlie, but not a new tallie..I’ve had THAT delemma for years! LOL Have a blessed day and hope this helps.
Con-being invited somewhere important where you have to dress up so late that you don’t have time to do a twist out, braid out, etc. you can either do a wash n go or put on a wig.
Ummm… I have plenty but here’s a few:
Not being morbidly afraid of rain
Don’t have to buy as much shampoo
No more dandruff
Able to change up my look as often as I want
Knowing my hair is finally healthy
Single strand knots
Hair takes forever to dry
Hair is always dry
Spending hours on a new style that turns out to be a disaster
Pro: I no longer run from the rain, wash n gos look like a time consuming style when they dry. I can be an example of beauty to younger girls and family. I love my healthier hair. And if the “S.C.B.” comes out I have the option to check her or indulge.
The con: True story: bf thought it would be nice to surprise with a trip to the beach upon seeing the look of horror on my face he told be he could help pack I in shock said “no i can handle that, but what am i going to do with my hair” wash day in its self is time consuming. I buy condition in bulk(i think we are all responsible for purchase limits). I have a true and deep fear of glitter that stuff never truly leaves.