– How tall are you?
– What did you eat to be tall like that??
– Are you a model?
– Do you play basketball?
– Do you play volleyball?
– At least you don’t miss a thing at concerts!
– Hey! The tall girl! Move! I can’t see a thing!
– It must be very difficult to find a man your size.
– Did you grow up since last time??
And the simple and classic :
– You are SO TALL!
What? I’m tall? Are you sure?
Yes. I’m Tall. No no, Tall is not my name. I have a name. I even have a surname with the whole genealogical tree to go with it. But it seems like nothing comes before that. Before the fact that I am TALL. It’s my main occupation.
Oh I see. You thought I hadn’t noticed. That’s why you apparently told yourself : “Maybe I should go and tell her, just in case… Like… In a FYI kind of way…”
And there you go : – Hey! You’re TALL!!! And then : – How TALL are you?? Why wouldn’t you ask me after all. You don’t ask his weight to a big man, you don’t go to someone with a big nose and say : “What a biiiiiiig nose!”, but saying to a tall girl that she is tall, that’s fine. Being tall is not a flaw. You can say whatever goes through your mind to a tall girl, she’ll be fine with it, because being tall is like being part of Claudia Schiffer’s family. And we looove Claudia Schiffer… People who think like that never stood in a tall girl’s shoes.
I should make some special business cards.
It would feature my surname, my name, my phone number, my email address, and, above all, my occupation : Tall. I’m a professional tall person. And I’m GOOD at what I do.
Anywhere I go, I NEVER forget to be at least a head taller than everybody else only to grab everyone’s attention. By the way, girls, it’s useless to put your high heels to compete with me, I never go out without my extra-long tibias.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. When people talk to me, another part of my job is to not listen. Actually none of what you say gets my attention, that’s why I put my Tall Girl Costume everyday, so I can look over your head straight to the horizon and ignore you intentionally.
Yes. Tall Girls are so pretentious aren’t they? Always there standing high above everyone else, looking into the distance, showing themselves, looking down on everyone… Well I have a scoop people : if we look down on you, it’s only because technically, we are above you.
We would looove to look you straight in the eyes, from a 5’5″ to another 5’5″, be part of the gang and all, but that would implies that we bend our knees and our backs just to be sure we don’t upset the misses, who believe we are only trying to steal the show, nor the misters, who simply believe that we are showing off. We can’t even bat our eyelashes from below for God’s sake!
I tried not to be tall… but it didn’t work
In my family, everybody is tall. My mother, my father, aunts and uncles from both sides… If I was to calculate the average size of my family, I would probably get something like 5’11.
Actually, thinking again, I am even quite average… compared to my family members only!
Compared to the population’s average size, I’m sooooo way beyond it, with my 5 feet… Here we go again. I was gonna say I’m 5 feet 10. As I’ve been saying it for years.
– How tall are you?
– 5’11.
– 5’11? Are you sure? Because my brother is 5’11 and he seems shorter than you…
– Well have him measure himself again. I’m 5’11.
Well NO. Today I say it out loud and proudly : I’m not 5’11. I’m 6 feet. So I’ve said it.
Usually, girls like to glean a few inches here and there. Those who are 5’4″ will say they’re 5’5″, those who are 5’2″ end up at 5’3″, and the 5’6″ girls even manage to reach the modeling 5’11” size… with heels!
With Professional Tall Girls, it’s just the opposite.
The 6’3″ are 6’1″, the 5’11 and 1/2 aim at 5’10” – anything to stay as far as possible from the 6 – and for some, well… it’s simply impossible to know how tall they are. They don’t even know it themselves, right girls?
Everything depends on to what degree the shoulders can bend when the measurement occurs.
Or on to what degree the lower back can curve in, way more discreet under a wide t-shirt.
Or on the skeleton shrinking level. Yes ! The skeleton shrinking trick, every tall girl knows this. It’s a very commonly known technique where if you can manage to lean on only one leg, curving the lower back in while shrinking down your spine and bending your shoulders to the limit at the same time, you can make yourself believe that you’re not that tall after all.
Ok… I can already see some throwing up their hands in horror. “Is she kidding me? What is she complaining about ? She’s tall and she’s annoying us with her “problems”?” Well yes maaam I aaam.
This goes along with the widespread thought that you’re kind of lucky when you’re tall.
Being tall is beautiful. Being tall is elegant. Models are tall. “Everybody wants to be tall”!
But you see, I’m not talking about girls like “Oh how lucky, she must be what… 5’7″?” here! Noooooooo. I’m talking about US. The REAL tall girls! The GIANTS! The 5’9″ and up! Those who seem to get vertigo when/if they wear heels!
And let me tell you this : sometimes they do! NOT because the ground seems further NO. Because most of us have ALWAYS been tall, and believe it or not but it means A LOT. Let me explain.
As far as I can remember, my extra inches have always been a way for others to single me out.
At 5, in kindergarten, the teacher put me in the back for the class photo. “Small ones in the front row, tall ones in the back!”
The word “small” instantly became a quality when “tall” suddenly appeared as a fault. Why would have I found myself pushed in the back otherwise?
At 8, other kids started to give me “friendly” nicknames : giraffe, ladder, skyscraper… But that was before the way more creative “tall asparagus” and “empire state building” of when I was 10.
Then, at 11, while every other little girls were still buying clothes in the Walt Disney section (we didn’t have Lady Gaga or Rihanna to teach us about G-strings for babies at that time) I was the only one wearing a size 14 and pants that hardly managed to reach my ankles because my legs had decided to grow at their own pace while the upper part of my body was on hold.
And then came the wonder years of high school.
Do you know what charming power extra inches have on teenage boys? None. Nada. Niet. Zero.
So although I was the very first to be picked in gym class when it was a matter of playing basketball, I was simply left on the bench at school parties because no prepubescent worthy of its name would ever want to be seen dancing with a girl who could put her chin on top of his head.
And while other teenage girls dreamed of dressing like Janet Jackson or becoming an actress, I had much simpler dreams : wearing a size 6 for shoes and weigh the same as my girlfriends.
I wanted to be PETITE. Delicate. A feminine and endearing little thing anyone would want to protect and who could break like glass if you weren’t gentle enough… Instead of this I felt like a dislocated football player with abnormally long ungraceful members that didn’t seem to be certain of their purpose yet.
Who would have thought that this insecure teenage girl always hiding under her hood and wearing 0,01 inch heels not to make her case worse would become, at the end of high school, a threat for the ladies and beyond most of men’s means?!
And there she was, the same girl who used to anxiously wait for the moment to stand up in the subway, praying to cut short the unfolding process she had to go through before getting off at her station, here again was criticized and the target of prejudices and biases of others. But the other way around.
For the ladies, she no longer was that tall undefinable thing no man would ever want to come across, who, at the parties, spent the whole slow-dancing time straightening her skirt. No. For the ladies, she now was supermodel extract. A threat to oust as fast as possible.
For the men, she no longer was that big girl looking like nothing, to whom you addressed as if she was a representative of the third sex. Nope. In the eyes of men too, she had become supermodel extract. You know, those pretentious girls walking above us and apparently so confident? (Yes, because if they weren’t so confident they wouldn’t ALLOW themselves to be so tall.) Who would dare to talk to THAT? Sigh.
I know many tall girls will recognize themselves in these words. Like me, they know they need to smile a lot when they meet new girls – #1.defusing – and like me, either they try to be witty to show they also have brains (something we have in common with the blonde ladies maybe) – #.2 anchor – or they do not yet have enough confidence and are most of the time reserved and quiet, looking like everything they’re not : stuck-up b*tches – #3. hara kiri.
Keep calm and be tall
The first thing I would like to say to our shorter female fellows is that we generally feel bigger next to them than they feel small next to us. And the fact that God was generous giving us extra inches doesn’t mean our biggest concern is to get noticed everywhere we go. The problem is that we DO get noticed everywhere we go.
To this problem, there are only two solutions : either we feel bad about ourselves and we try to hide – and let’s be clear about this : the probability to succeed is very low – or we’re at ease with ourselves and stand tall and proud, just like you, but a little higher.
Please stop considering us like threats or tigresses. Or please stop looking at us as if we were some kind of ridiculous alien species. Most of us needed our whole life to accept ourselves as we are, while many tall girls still don’t love themselves and would happily get rid of a couple of inches… Not mentioning the fact that unlike us, YOU can shop ANYWHERE.
To the gentlemen : we are not that different from other girls, except that some of us even have a bigger lack of confidence. Please be kind, and don’t be so shy. Tall girls will be grateful to you!
To everyone : when you meet a tall girl, I bet that 100% of the time, you will indeed notice that she is tall. Is it a reason to mention it ? Speak of something else, for this too, the tall girls will be grateful. Or not. At the least, you’ll have missed an opportunity to be annoying.
To you, the Giants, the Amazons, who like me can’t buy clothes on sale on the web because you fear to get too short sleeves or too short pants, who spend all your money in only one pair of jeans that will fit your stilts, who don’t dare to wear heels and who think wearing flat shoes you’ll get less noticed, who wear your hair long hoping it will bring you closer to the ground, or your hair short because you think long hair stretches you out, who sometimes feel manlier than your man and who hate dancing in a club because being on the dance floor is like being a tree in a mushrooms field, to you all : LOVE YOURSELVES!
Stand straight and walk with your head high! You won’t vanish because you slouch your shoulders you know. People won’t notice you less. The only thing people will see is that the tall girl, over there, who’s trying to hide, she feels bad about herself. And that sometimes draws attention even more.
Forget about ballerinas and flat boots! People say tall girls are elegant? Well I have a scoop for you : we’re even more elegant with a pair of high heels! You’re already tall, what risk are you running anyway?!
You’ve probably seen a tall girl wearing high heels before, walking proudly, maybe nonchalantly, not caring about what people have to say, and I’m sure you envied her, that tall, beautiful, elegant and above all FREE girl. Well BE that girl ! Your feet on the ground and your heads high in the sky! 😀
Listen to me, and next time, when you enter a room dreading people’s gaze, whether in the subway, in a restaurant or in the dentist waiting room… stand straight, stretch out, walk proudly. Then look at the people who are looking at you straight in the eyes. I can promise you all you’ll see in their eyes will be admiration. Tested and approved by me. 😉
To all the Amazons who enjoy themselves : JUST KEEP ON DOING YOUR THING!!! :DDD
Lastly, to all the young Amazons out there, those ones still struggling in school and highschool, feeling like aliens who don’t belong anywhere, do not worry, fear no more sweethearts and stay strong, because if you can manage to understand what I’ve just said and to give it the time to grow in your minds and hearts, you’ll soon see that things will only get MUCH BETTER. 😉
I’m 5″9 (and have natural hair too), and was laughing when you described the squeleton technique because I do that too, especially when I’m wearing heels. I could relate to so much of this. Thanks for sharing it, feel not so alone 🙂
You’re welcome ! ;))
Oh my gosh, hilarious!! I love your blog!! I’m 5’9″ and everything you said had me rolling on the floor cause I can so relate! When I put on heels, forget it. I’m transitioning and about to do my big chop and I can only imagine how this added dynamic will play out! LOL Can’t wait.
OMG YES ! LOTS OF FUN AHEAD for you girl !!! hahaha XD You ain’t seen nothing yet !
I love your website! I am 5’8″ and I find reading this blog insightful! It seemed as though people feel comfortable saying the dumbest things to you when you are tall. I love being tall. If I could talk to my younger self, it would be to say, enjoy the extra inches God gave you!
That’s what I tell myself everyday !:D
‘just ran into your blog and love it:-)
I’m 6’3 and happy about it now. I’m also rail thin (that runs in the family, height doesn’t) and that probably makes me look even taller. It was tough until I was about 20 and then I started getting used to myself. I also used to tell people I was 6’2 or 6’1 because tall girls round down. Now sometimes when I see a guy I know is a jerk and he asks me, I’ll tell him 6′ or 6’1 to make him feel a bit more insecure.
What I love is that it gives me a way to talk with people I normally wouldn’t. The same questions come up because people tend to think the same way. So I try to have strange answers or just defect the topic. If it is a bit clueless the trick is to say something positive about them and talk about something else. A friend who is over 6’6 (she’s a bit over and rounds down to 6’6) gives people high fives when they approach and she gets eye contact. A great tall girl sport that can bring a lot of smiles if you have a super outgoing personality.
There are some good lines you can use over and over. When I was a toddler I would compete with the family dog for his food, so when people ask what I ate as a kid, I tell ’em dog food:-)
Well you started getting used to yourself at a younger age than I did ! 😀
And I love using odd answers too. A few months ago someone asked me how tall I was I said 5’6. He was like “you’re not 5’6” I was “yes I’m 5’6”, “you can’t be 5’6!” “I’m telling you I’m 5’6 what’s wrong with you??”, and so on, it was ridiculous… but funny ! XD
I love this. But I do hate when people insist I’m taller than 5’11”. If I was 6′, I’d say that. Because being 6′ would be awesome.
I’m 5’10 too, and my dream was to be 6’0 feet. I love being tall and wearing heels are great. I own several and two pair of 5in heels at this moment. I have two friends I hang with sometimes, and one is 5’10, and the other is 6’0 feet. Tall girls RULE!!!. Love the natural hair its rules too!!!!!! I always high-five the other tall girls when I see them.
Love your spirit! #TallGirlsRule
I never had a problem with tall girls, I think it depends on the person. I am 5’2 1/2. Thats the accurate height in all its glory. I am the oldest out of 4 siblings, and the other 3 younger ones were all taller than me by the time they were 12-14 and I was 23. -______- Now I’m 27, and I think I’m a tiny bit closer to 5’3…but whos counting LOL. I grew up with name about my height as well, the most common and one that didnt take alot of creativity was always “Hey Shrimpy”. The other ones throughout the years varied, but I mostly ignored it. And with me being so short, I always had to watch I didn’t get too fat because a 5’2 1/2 girl growing in width is very easy to do, especially from a hispanic family with fatty foods. Even if alot of the times I tetter in between 5 lbs, it makes a huge difference in inches. But often times I dont look my weight because I’m so little. My brothers got their height from my uncle who was 6’5, they are 6’3(21 yrs old), and 5’11(16 yrs old). Alot of the the times growing up they would lift me to the ceiling like I was a paper weight, and pretend to body slam me to the floor, but would stop inches above it. This is how they show love I guess…lol. Or my brother would lean his elbow ontop of my head for support as he stands, instead of using his shoulder to lean against a wall. So I guess whether you’re really short, or really tall. We all would appreciate the ones on the other side to take care in how they are around us. I never bring up how tall a person is, because I hate hearing how short I am. I’m ok with it now, but when people start saying ” you are so damn short….can you get on the rides?” Thats when it stings, even if in jest.
Of COURSE it depends on the person ! 🙂 Thank God it depends on the person… otherwise I would have been having trouble with every single person shorter than me on Earth !
From what I saw, people who don’t care are the ones who feel great about themselves. I’ve never heard a confident girl tell me anything special. But it’s the same for anybody who’s different, people who want other people to feel bad bout themselves are often the ones who feel about themselves in the first place. For some others, it’s simply a lack of empathy. They just don’t THINK that the person they’re talking to has been hearing the same damn thing over and over again for ages. And they don’t have an idea of the consequences it can have, especially on someone who is already insecure.
I’m so happy to see confident tall woman, but I dont know if it’s a big coincidence but I would say that 80-90% of the tall girls I know had to fight to a certain level to accept and love themselves. They often went through a lot of bullying at school. When I think of it they remind me more of the way fat kids are treated than anything else. But yes, THANK GOD we don’t ALL go through the same pattern. 🙂
I can’t say I knew very many tall girls, I only has two best friends who were tall and they were 5’9 in sophomore year in highschool, and i was still 5’2, lol. I would say that alot of people stared at us, because i was always in the middle, but they always preferred it that way, I would think it would’ve emphasized the size difference. But we got along fine, height with us was never an issue, we still did sleep overs, before one moved away, we still did each others hair. We had the same thick curly frizzy big hair, so I think we more so came together on the things we had in common, than what we didnt. One friend got into break dancing, and she still is doing it. She was great and it did bump her popularity up towards the end of junior year to senior year in highschool. I do know they struggled in photos, but so did I. The average height for girls in my schools was 5’5-5’6.I was shorter than the average, and they were taller. They were first picked in sports like basketball, and i was first picked in soccer, but we all ended up on volleyball somehow lol. My brothers on the other hand had it kinda hard being tall, especially the older one. The teacher was always singling him out for stupid things, always put him in the back of pictures in the MIDDLE, always put him in the back rows of the classroom even though his eyesight was bad before we knew he needed glasses because he didnt want to say anything, but his teacher kept refusing when he’d tell her. 🙁 His legs were longer,and his torso caught up few years later like you mentioned you went through, it was difficult for my mom to find his pants and re-hem them when we couldnt afford changing to new ones during his crazy growth spurts.
Hello fellow tall n curly chica,
I’m 6’0 and rocking my hair in all it’s naturalness lol. So I completely feel like the above on a regular. I LOVE your blog, it’s refreshing and encouraging.