RhodaAcquah says April 23, 2013 at 6:39 pm Reblogged this on MsAcquah's Blog; Rhoda_likeaboy and commented: Haha!!! this is so mee Reply
TreVaughn Monet says April 23, 2013 at 3:22 pm i just want to know why she is sitting at the bar like that ??? Reply
tallncurly says April 23, 2013 at 3:30 pm Because that girl is me, and I am TALL and Curly 😉 So I always have problems sitting at bars because there’s no room for my long legs ! Reply
Cleo says May 3, 2013 at 8:52 pm Because she’s trying to show how tall she is compared to her friend. Very funny. 🙂 Reply
hope33 says April 22, 2013 at 1:35 pm Reblogged this on LovinYouAlwaysAndForever and commented: haha if you have curly hair you know this is funny and real life to us ! Reply
Briana says April 16, 2013 at 9:56 pm HAHA been there. I’m like, “how’s my hair” and they’re like “good” then I go to the BR to check & I’m like “ahhhh! my hair! it’s a mess!” some friends really don’t get it, but it’s ok. love them anyways…lol Reply
dy says April 9, 2013 at 8:39 pm too funny! i liked to broke my stomach laughing at the end!!!! Reply
Dija S Gonzales says April 8, 2013 at 7:24 pm lol that was mean!…i sympathize though, been there…sigh Reply
Anonymous says April 8, 2013 at 6:04 pm haha. So funny, you must drive people crazy with that. I so enjoy the comics. great work Reply
Heather Fonseca (@heatherfonseca) says April 8, 2013 at 4:59 pm I would have said “It looks FABULOUS” because that’s what I always think of big curly hair. Great story!!!! Reply
tallncurly says April 8, 2013 at 5:07 pm After spending these 8 hours with me I DOUBT IT ! hahaha 😀 Thanks 😉 Reply
Reblogged this on MsAcquah's Blog; Rhoda_likeaboy and commented:
Haha!!! this is so mee
i just want to know why she is sitting at the bar like that ???
Because that girl is me, and I am TALL and Curly 😉 So I always have problems sitting at bars because there’s no room for my long legs !
cuz she’s tall 🙂
Because she’s trying to show how tall she is
compared to her friend. Very funny. 🙂
um… because her legs are longer than the stool o_0
Reblogged this on LovinYouAlwaysAndForever and commented:
haha if you have curly hair you know this is funny and real life to us !
HAHA been there.
I’m like, “how’s my hair”
and they’re like “good”
then I go to the BR to check & I’m like “ahhhh! my hair! it’s a mess!”
some friends really don’t get it, but it’s ok. love them anyways…lol
the girl witht the red hair’s reaction lol
Looool j adore c’est vraiment drôle !!!!
too funny! i liked to broke my stomach laughing at the end!!!!
lol that was mean!…i sympathize though, been there…sigh
haha. So funny, you must drive people crazy with that. I so enjoy the comics. great work
I would have said “It looks FABULOUS” because that’s what I always think of big curly hair. Great story!!!!
After spending these 8 hours with me I DOUBT IT ! hahaha 😀 Thanks 😉