Well atleast it was your friend telling you you would look better with straight hair and not your BF. Like mine did at the time. He always complained he couldnt touch my hair or run his fingers thru because his fingers would get caught in my knots, or the hair wasn’t soft enough. So he would sometimes straight up tell me, “you should wear your hair straight more often, …I like girls more with straight hair”.
Needless to say after that I spent quite a few nights crying to sleep, and a good chunk of my days fighting with the flatiron for almost 2 hours…..
Please tell me you put both the flat iron AND the boyfriend away for good..! XO (well… you still can use your flat iron from time to time 😉 )
Oh my… Boys, like many girls, are just BRAINWASHED by what they’re taught to find beautiful on TV… But somehow I find it interesting as it allows us to differentiate the men who actually do have a brain of their own from the others… isn’t it convenient. 😉
So I found about you from longhairdontcare (please be the right youtube name!lol) anyhoot im enjoying it so much. Im not tall but short but growing up i was the tallest one in my household then I met my husband and his family not so tall anymore..I guess im one of those shorties who feel big but im accepting it lol anyhoot its a fun read and i didnt know you knew french too. Im still learning.
Being a shortie who feels big is absolutely PERFECT !! So many tall girls feel small… but that’s not right ! 😉 You’re learning french ? How nice !! Quite difficult though !
Oui, c’est vrai mon beau pere viens de martinique mais il parle francais different que moi. I cant make any accents on this keyboard but its hard and worth it i suppose.
Nikki aka longhairdontcarellc from YouTube did a video saying to check out your site, and I’m glad I did. That was sooo funny. I was laughing so hard when it started drizzling. I feel your pain! Too cute.
People tell me that all the time. Sorry someone said it to you but happy to know I’m not alone
Well atleast it was your friend telling you you would look better with straight hair and not your BF. Like mine did at the time. He always complained he couldnt touch my hair or run his fingers thru because his fingers would get caught in my knots, or the hair wasn’t soft enough. So he would sometimes straight up tell me, “you should wear your hair straight more often, …I like girls more with straight hair”.
Needless to say after that I spent quite a few nights crying to sleep, and a good chunk of my days fighting with the flatiron for almost 2 hours…..
Please tell me you put both the flat iron AND the boyfriend away for good..! XO (well… you still can use your flat iron from time to time 😉 )
Oh my… Boys, like many girls, are just BRAINWASHED by what they’re taught to find beautiful on TV… But somehow I find it interesting as it allows us to differentiate the men who actually do have a brain of their own from the others… isn’t it convenient. 😉
Lmbo!!! Favorite one!!
LongHairDontCareLLC sent me here
And I love your blog.
I absolutely love your blog. Love the illustrations. You rock!
So I found about you from longhairdontcare (please be the right youtube name!lol) anyhoot im enjoying it so much. Im not tall but short but growing up i was the tallest one in my household then I met my husband and his family not so tall anymore..I guess im one of those shorties who feel big but im accepting it lol anyhoot its a fun read and i didnt know you knew french too. Im still learning.
LongHairDontCareLLC to be more accurate.
I am here from her too, and I absolutely love your blog.
Being a shortie who feels big is absolutely PERFECT !! So many tall girls feel small… but that’s not right ! 😉 You’re learning french ? How nice !! Quite difficult though !
Oui, c’est vrai mon beau pere viens de martinique mais il parle francais different que moi. I cant make any accents on this keyboard but its hard and worth it i suppose.
Nikki aka longhairdontcarellc from YouTube did a video saying to check out your site, and I’m glad I did. That was sooo funny. I was laughing so hard when it started drizzling. I feel your pain! Too cute.
this is way funny. I don’t even bother st8ing my hair now.
This is too cute!
Your comics always crack me up.