You know what would be funny. If that red haired hair styler secretly had curly hair. She just suddenly cut it all off and straightens it everyday. Diabolical. 🙂
Everytime I get my hair braided and they try to use the fine tooth side of a rat tail comb. I TAKE my combs with me to combat this. Oh – I even had one lady complain REPEAteDLY about how it would be easier to braid my hair if it was straight – how much better the result would be. Wah wah wah – hush and take my money. The braids were cute though but I’m glad I love my fro ‘cos she would have had me reaching for a relaxer. *SMH*
I only use the large tooth combs. Start from the bottom and slowly work your way up. Once it’s brushed, then yeah you can brush through it like non-curly hair.
2) I don’t let hairdressers brush my hair. At least not the first comb through.
Trying to rob someone with curly hair and you cant get a gun? use a brush!
You know what would be funny. If that red haired hair styler secretly had curly hair. She just suddenly cut it all off and straightens it everyday. Diabolical. 🙂
Everytime I get my hair braided and they try to use the fine tooth side of a rat tail comb. I TAKE my combs with me to combat this. Oh – I even had one lady complain REPEAteDLY about how it would be easier to braid my hair if it was straight – how much better the result would be. Wah wah wah – hush and take my money. The braids were cute though but I’m glad I love my fro ‘cos she would have had me reaching for a relaxer. *SMH*
also u dont use a brush to comb curly hair just tearz it out
lol i love ur comics so much u were like drop tht weapon then at the end she was like its just a brush lol
LOOOOOL!! I love all your comics… but this one is THE ONE! I’m still laughing as I’m typing this! 😛
ha! ROFL…was so not expecting the last slide…well done! another great cartoon.
1) I don’t own a hairbrush.
I only use the large tooth combs. Start from the bottom and slowly work your way up. Once it’s brushed, then yeah you can brush through it like non-curly hair.
2) I don’t let hairdressers brush my hair. At least not the first comb through.