Ok. So I will speak first – before any Beyoncé’s fan who would suddenly feel like shooting me or something.So I love Beyoncé, I think she’s an incredible singer and an amazingly beautiful woman. And don’t get me wrong : if I was getting paid what she’s getting paid to make these commercials, I would also be there smiling under my wig, whipping it and all and selling whatever I was asked to sell.But then I would come home and tell my kinky haired little niece not to believe what I’ve just said on TV.Here’s an example of what these commercials can cause :
I wish these were animations on youtube and I could just curl up with some ice cream and my fro and just watch these all night! love love LOVE
1. I like to call myself tall at 5′ 8.5″ and I like my heels too but no I do not love towering over people. i actually wanted to be 6′ but it never happened no matter how much milk I drank.
2. Your illustrations are too funny
3. I’m not loving that Tyra said most black women’s husbands cannot touch their hair anyway. That’s pretty sad. I understand occasionally but that its just accepted as “duh”… :/
I’m 5’9, 21 yrs student and i’m from the uk where the average height for men in my area is like 5’10, meaning most guys are under tht height. and the average height for girls is 5’6. u can see where i’m going with this. its always nice getting the lift and guys give you the side eye when you can see over Everyone’s head. its ok though, my best friend, he’s 6’2 so i’m not so alone. As an animation student naturally i love your comic strips. and growing up seeing american black girls on tv with long silky hair (i was a kid and didn’t know about weave lol) it made me feel bad about my hair. not becos it was curly but because i was raised by my white foster parents and they didn’t know how to take care of my hair so they would chemically straighten it. i always equated straight hair to manageable hair, and that to me was ‘good hair’. as long hair is manageable i thought it was good no matter what it looked like. im back to curly hair now. in my third year natural. my foster mum loves it lol. took it down from braids a few months ago. its was SOOO huge lol. love your blog, makes me laugh. 🙂
“as long hair is manageable i thought it was good no matter what it looked like” well that was me XD
Well we’ve lived pretty much the same pattern ! I, too, didn’t know about weaves, it would have saved me so much time and energy if someone had explained it to me ! argh.
You’re a student in animation ? AWESOME !!! I just missed that step, or stopped before reaching it I don’t know :s I’m trying to learn it all by myself now but there’s sooooo much to learn !
You’re very lucky :DDD Maybe if you have homework to do you can animate one of my comics haha ! 🙂
Wishing you the best !
Let me start off saying that Im new here and I already love it! Im not as tall as you, but Im pretty tall at 5’9″, and depending on the heels over 6′.
Im sorry I hit enter too quickly. While I feel sorry for this girl and understand the issues that led her to do what she did…improper technique will always damage your hair.
Hi Syrene ! Nice to meet you !
Any girl above 5’8″ is considered as tall in my opinion haha 😀
The poor girl is just another victim of the mass media. When all you know is what you see on tv… well that’s what can happen :s
I hated those commercials. I always wondered what her real hair looked like under those wigs. — On a different note,Love your blog! #tallgirlsrock
Thank you Sheri ! 🙂
I hate those commercials too. Just like I hate all the lies mass media are selling us not caring about all the pressure they put on us women, but especially on the young girls. It’s terrible. If I had a daughter, I just wish she could have a chance to shape herself at her own pace, cultivating her strenghts and accepting her flaws… Just deal with herself without trying to reach the unrealistic perfection they show us everywhere. And I wish I would too !! XD
And YES #tallgirlsrock ! 😉